a change of heart - chapter 37

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'Where are you going?'

'I'm going to find Hayley. And when I find Hayley I'm going to stay with the pack until I know that Sebastian hasn't got his grubby little fingers on any of the Crescents.' Astrid pulled on a black fitted hoodie, leaving her shirt strewn across the bed. 'Astrid! Astrid wait!' Klaus followed her as she pushed past him, pulling on a trench coat and pacing down the concrete stairs. He caught up to her eventually and pulled her back by the shoulder, only for her to whip around.

'Are you planning on stopping me?' She asked with a low growl and Nik rolled his eyes, making her scoff and turn back around to walk out of the gates. 'Maybe if you weren't so bloody hot headed all the time then I could actually trust you!' He called out and Elijah came onto the floor, 'Both of you, calm down and we can talk.'

'Talk?' Astrid started laughing, 'Bloody talk?!' She turned back to Nik, 'I only ever told you about those nightmares. You and you alone! Now you suddenly decide that you can't trust her? Why would she openly admit that Dahlia done me wrong if she was on her side?!'

Nik stayed silent, knowing that he was in the wrong. 'Now what I am going to do is go out to the Bayou. I've been biting my nails all bloody day about Hayley so I am going to find Sebastian!'

'Astrid that's really not a good idea.' Elijah interjected again and she snapped at him, 'I'm hardly going to take advice from the man who can't decide what woman he's in love with, Elijah!'

Elijah looked hurt and walked away as Astrid turned back to Nik, 'Right, now I'm going to go and clean up the mess I made a millennia ago. Then after that I'm going to come back here and clean up the mess I made five seconds ago. Goodnight.'

With that, she vamped off into the City.

The Bayou.

Astrid was on high alert in the swamp that night. It was eerily quiet, the sound of crickets in the grass being her only company. Usually, the chatter of the Crescent Clan could be heard from miles around. Their songs would ring long and loud but not tonight, Astrid knew something was wrong.

She couldn't help but wince with each step she took, paranoid that he was lurking around. Having pushed away her husband and brother in law, she was left to fend for herself so her senses were on fire. She could hear everything for miles around, the wind that birds created as they flapped their wings and the crackling fire next to the shack.

What shook her was that the fire was the only thing she could hear.

As she neared closer, her heart raced when she saw that the camp was deserted. She pulled her hood up and went back into the shadows, only to be called out of the voice she was dreading to here.

'Don't run away now, darling. The show's only just beginning!'

She looked up to see Sebastian's brown leather jacket and cursed, she knew she was right. 'Why are you doing this?' She asked with a scowl and he answered with a grin brighter then the fire in front of him, 'Revenge is sweet, my beautiful Astrid.'

'I know what I done.'

'You compelled me to believe my siblings were dead!' He barked and she replied twice as loud, 'I had been a vampire for a year and a half I had no goddamn idea what I was doing!'

'But you still said it didn't you?' He stalked up to her and attempted to grab her by the throat but she dodged him, grabbing his hand and breaking his fingers. He screamed out in agony and collapsed to the ground as she kicked him onto his back, 'I know that I am the villain in your story but that doesn't mean you get to go after the people I love!'

'Your family came after the people that I love! Whilst my siblings were compelled to believe that they were the Mikaelsons and Klaus sent them on the run, you compelled me to believe that Mikael had killed the lot of them!' Sebastian jumped to his feet and threw her, her back crashing into the shack decking and Hayley ran onto the scene going straight over to Astrid. 'Hayley. Go.' Astrid strained as she felt the piece of wood that had impaled her move and Hayley shook her head, 'No let me help you!'

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