Chapter 25

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,,(y/n)!" I heard a blurry female voice.

,,(y/n)." She shook me aggressively and that was when I recognized her; Hermione.

,,Ron! Harry! Please someone!!" She cried and I felt bad, but couldn't move at all. I felt my heartbeat fasten and my body shake, but I couldn't move a single finger.

,,Hermione? Hermione?!" I heard Harry enter the room.

,,What-" Ron entered either and apparently saw me and realized what's happening, since he cut off mid-sentence.

,,Please help me. She- she was laying here and I t- tried I tried-" she was shaking and in panick and I felt so bad. It's because of me. Everything is because of me. I'm just so stupid and pull people into my issues.

,,Hey Hermione, It's okay. Calm down. You have enough time to explain." Ron comforted and probably hugged her, since her sobs where quiet and it sounded like she was laying against his chest.

After her sobs quit, she tried to explain again, while I felt Harry try to sit me up.

,,Ron, I tried so- so many spells. None of them w- worked. I- I looked in every book I have with me." She cried again and explained everything with a squeaky voice to stop herself from losing it completely.

,,I tried for about 15 minutes and I'm so d- dumb. I should've c-called someone to check on her, but I was selfish. What if she c-could do it if I told someone and asked for help?" She sobbed.

,,Hermione, she is not dead. No need to act so overdramatic." Harry responded.

Hermione was quite after that, but I could feel how thick the tension was.

,,I'll just bring her to madame Pomfrey. Ron, get Hermione back to the common room and keep her company, she obviously needs some comfort. She needs to calm down. "

,,Alright" Ron responded and I could tell Harry was carrying me, because I felt the air brush against my face.

My back, arms and hands have already become numb.

,,It's going to be okay, (y/n). Everything's going to be okay. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you do, I believe in you. You can do that. Just please, please don't leave." He said, which would've made me cry if I had tears left.

,,Madame Pomfrey!" I heard Harry step the door open.

,,Madame Pomfrey! It's an emergency." He yelled and I heard her approach us.

Harry just explained everything. From Hermione's point of view to my current status, while I felt Madame Pomfrey's cold hand against my forehead.

,,Dear, I'm sorry to say so, but you have to leave." She said highly worried.

,,W- why? Is it something serious. You can tell me if it is."

,,Dear, you have to leave. I'm sorry." I heard her stand up and she was probably pushing him slightly away.

Then she approached me again.

,,(y/n), I have to know if you can hear me right now. But I'm not sure how to find out." She paused for a while.

Suddenly, she was gone. About two minutes later, I heard her rushing back to me, while glass containers beat against each other in her arms, which made loud unpleasant noises.

,,Okay, now." She said and put them at my nightstander.

,,Mix the..." She whisper-read the ingredients from a parchement.

,,Now, (y/n). If you can open your mouth just a slight bit, do it." She said and I struggled, but nothing.

,,Okay, then I assume you can't." Was her last sentence, before I could feel her hand opening my mouth.

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