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tossing the shirt down felix rubbed his face as he stared at the clothes strewn across his floor. he was making room in his extra room for chans things to go.

swallowing felix cleared his throat, things weren't exactly the best. noah refused to leave his bedroom unless he was getting breakfast or going to use the bathroom. 

pulling another item out felix frowned, it was little rabbit plush. it was noahs although the boy stopped playing with it a good while ago. tossing the stuffed animal to the side felix sighed quietly as he stood up. quickly picking the other things up felix put them away before grabbing the items he was tossing out. exiting the room felix went downstairs, seungmin was over although he was downstairs the whole time. he refused to clean saying jeongin made him clean their house so he couldn't help.


"hm?" tossing the items into the trash felix turned around.

"um...i heard about what happened.." seungmin started, felix closing his eyes and nodding some "what about it.?"

"i don't think he meant it.."

"i don't care about it seungmin. if he hates me..that's him. i can't please everyone i guess. son included. and if he doesn't want to live with me anymore because he's truly unhappy...i'll retract my guardianship." felix muttered shrugging as nonchalantly as he could although the words made his chest hurt.

"felix-you wouldn't actually do that would you? you love noah with your whole heart...he was just being kid. they say hurtful things...but i swear he probably didn't mean it."

"if he doesn't want to be here seungmin i won't force him."

"felix.." walking down the stairs noah stopped on the last step.

"yeah?" looking at noah questioningly felixs gaze moved to the bag he was holding.

"...i want to stay with parker. i already called him...." noah muttered staring at the ground. seungmins mouth opening as he looked at noah.

"..........ok." lifting his head and staring at the ceiling so he wouldn't cry felix hummed "that's fine.."


"just um," swallowing his tears felix looked at him with a glazed expression "t-take your inhaler and your epipen.."

"..k." nodding noah grabbed his bag. seungmin biting his lip and looking to felix who looked like he was about to cry at any second.


"i-i need me time. um—make sure he goes safely. and tell parker he better watch him." felix murmured almost incoherently. seungmin nodding slowly as the boy gave him a small smile before walking back upstairs, his bedroom door shutting silently.


"hm?" tying his shoes the boy looked up to seungmin.

"why are you being so mean? you're making felix upset."

"he's a big kid seungmin. he'll be ok. and maybe he'll find an even better son who won't make him cry." noah muttered knotting his lace.

"noah you're felixs kid-"

"i don't want to be." noah muttered quickly. his words jumbling as his chest tightening.

"noah-you cannot stay separated from felix. remember what your therapist said?"

"....i have s-separation anxiety." noah answered quietly.

"and that makes you....?"

"cry. and my chest hurts and i can't breathe. and i get sad. really sad."

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