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"shoes." snapping his fingers felix grabbed aeras arm and pulled her into his lap.

"i'm done." noah mumbled fixing his last button. nodding felix tied aeras shoes before letting her down and picking the brush up.

"turn towards me princess."

nodding aera turned and looked at felix who brushed her bangs down before grabbing a purple ponytail that went with her outfit and pulling her hair up.


"thanks mommy." grinning aera picked her stuffed dog up, her little skirt swishing as she turned on her heel.

"we match." noah mumbled motioning to his purple shirt and aeras purple skirt.

"mhm, cute!" hugging noah aera squeezed the boy who gave her head gentle pats.

"you're the cutest baby sister ever."

"your favorite uncle is here!" minho yelled stepping into the house. noah and aera smiling brighter before running to minho. felix was surprised noah even attempted to put a purple shirt on.

"channie you too!" jumping on chan as aera hugged minho noah looked at the puppy changbin was carrying.

"hey love."

"you feeling better?" smooshing chans face noah kissed his cheek.

"way better." nodding chan grinned.

"is the puppy staying here while we have a family day?" noah asked raising a brow.

"yeah. lix said i could use the backyard."

"cool. grandma hasn't met aera yet! she's gonna love her."

grabbing his phone and keys felix stared at the missed call from noah and aeras social worker.

"i'll call her back later." felix muttered as minho walked into the living room with aera.

"what have you been teaching my baby?"

"your baby?" looking at his brother felix snorted as minho nodded.

"yeah! she said you were better than me."

"well..." grinning felix shrugged.

"it's a lie. also, when is noahs little friend joining?"

"um, we're meeting mom and dad at the park. and kyos mom is dropping him off. and he'll spend the weekend."

"you're going to have your hands full."

"i dealt with you jeongin and seungmin im sure i'll survive an extra kid."

"i'm an angel."

"oh yeah sure. let's go mom keeps texting me."

"oh yes, a full day with our overly sarcastic mother and three children as well as our stale humored dad. how exciting." minho grumbled unenthusiastically. felix simply shrugging before linking arms with chan. chan kissing the side of his head and making him smile faintly.

"it'll be fine."


"aish don't hold me i'm not five." noah muttered squirming in felixs arms. the freckled boy looking at noah who had a big pout on his face.

"you have no problem any other time." felix deadpanned.

"yeah well kyos here so let me go mom. you're embarrassing me." noah whispered huffing. minho and changbin had beat them to the amusement park because aera was thirsty so chan stopped to grab her a juice and noah a water because he swore up and down he was a sponge for the day.

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