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"that's the last one." placing chans box down felix wiped his hands and crossed his arms. chan nodding and wiping his own hands off on his jeans.

"you sure you're ok with this.?" chan asked leaning against the wall.

"yeah," pulling his hair from his eyes with a thin rubber band felix nodded "i want you to be here."

"well..i'll unpack this stuff really quickly. is noah coming home today.?" chan asked genuinely curious. noah had been gone for almost three days.

"no." shaking his head felix smiled blankly "parker said he wasn't ready to come home."

"i see..."

"i have to go grocery shopping. so if you want to unpack everything i'll run to the store quickly and come back."

"alright," grabbing a random box chan nodded and flashed felix a gentle smile "be safe."

"will do baby." felix muttered watching chan almost fall over. his face turning red as he stood up "b-baby.?"

"yeah..you call me baby all the time so-figured i could do it too." felix said sheepishly.

"r-right." nodding chan grabbed his box before stumbling off to start putting his things up. felix giggling and shaking his head. cute.


"and..noahs favorite ice cream." grabbing the carton felix placed it in the buggy as he moved down the frozen isle. he didn't know when noah was going to come home. and even though it bothered him he wasn't going to make noah even more upset. he needed to cool off so felix was letting him do exactly that.

"oh, candy..." stopping felix chewed his lip before grabbing a thing of chocolates, his phone ringing as he tossed the bag into the back.

"hello.?" furrowing his brows felix pushed the cart down the isle and towards the front. he probably looked crazy with his hair halfway pulled up in a ponytail and chans shirt and a pair of oversized pajama pants on.

"felix..um issue.?" parker rushed out quickly.


"noah..we can't find his inhaler and he's having trouble breathing.." parker said as he stared at noah. he tried calming him down a handful of ways but nothing was working.

"u-uh give him the phone." felix said furrowing his brows as parker started mumbling to himself before he handed the phone over.


"noah baby its me," felix started softly, his brows drawing together even more "look it's ok babydoll. just take slow deep breaths for me. can you do that.?"

"y-yeah." nodding frantically noah swallowed although his throat was dry.

"good boy, now try and remember those breathing exercises i showed you."

watching noah start to inhale sharply before exhaling slowly parker chewed his lip watching the boy slowly gain a steady breathing pace.

"you good now..?" felix asked hearing a small grunt.


"alright...i'll let you go now-"

"w-wait felix..."

"what is it..?"

"c-can i come home.." noah asked quietly. parkers eyes widening in realization. noah wasn't having breathing problems because he was running around too much. he was having a separation panic attack. oh that's not good..

"yeah of course you can come home," felix said trying his best to keep his excitement at bay "um let me pay for the groceries and i'll come get you."


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