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"i want these ones." grabbing five boxes of candy canes noah gave felix his best puppy eyes. the boy staring at noah before sighing "three."


narrowing his eyes felix pointed to the buggy "four and thats it. put them in."

"yay!" tossing all five in the buggy noah ignored the look felix sent his way.

"noah did you forget how to count? i'm positive i said four."

"oh! silly me." chuckling sheepishly the boy waddled back the buggy before attempting to reach inside. although he wasn't really trying.

"mommy i can't reach it..so can we keep it?"

"i swear noah." rubbing his temples felix jumped as a pair of arms encircled him. noah giggling and covering his eyes "ew."

"ew yourself, don't think i didn't catch you and kyo on the playground." chan muttered snorting, felix raising a brow and looking at noah.

"no idea what you mean..." noah mumbled slowly before giving them a fake smile.

"i love you both." noah uttered sweetly, a cute look on his face but felix saw right through it.

"noah, what were you and kyo doing?"

"..playing house. and these girls said we couldn't be married. so-"

"he kissed kyo in front of them and proceeded to tell them their princess dresses were ugly and they looked like bloated frogs." chan finished for noah who covered his face.

"noah lee-"

"THEY SAID I COULDN'T BE GAY! its gayphobia and minho says that we run heteros over. but i don't have a car so i insulted them instead. am i in trouble?" pouting noah stared at felix. (a/n: as a bisexual i can assure you i dont run over heteros nor condone it unless needed😌)

"noah-i'm going to murder minho i swear. listen to me and listen good, you do not ever do something like that again. next time find chan and for gods sake if you kiss kyo dont do it in front of girls who like you."

"but at any other time i can kiss him?" noah asked innocently. chan choking on his breath and burying his face in felixs neck to stop from laughing.

"...go get the marshmallows. they're right there. and also grab some chocolate chips." felix muttered waving noah off. the boy shrugging before turning towards the shelving that had the things he needed on it.

"minho isn't allowed near our son or so help me." felix grumbled leaning back against chan who smiled.

"i don't think its just minho."

"oh i know. seungmin and jeongin have been banned from my child for a few days because they had him in my damn oven."

"t-the oven?" chan asked trying not to laugh even more so then before. felix seemed agitated already and he'd rather not provoke the boy.

"yes the damn oven. he was looking for where their attractiveness was because it quote on quote sure as heck wasn't with them."

"oh wow um-" shaking his head chan let a tiny giggle leave his lips. felix startled by the noise and turning to look at him.

"w-what?" assessing the boys look chans brows crinkled as felixs eyes twinkled.

"that was cute i-"

"no no do not start with me." chan muttered shaking his head frantically and smooshing felixs cheeks together.

"y-you sounded so cute channie! oh my god my cute wittle boyfriend. you're just a giggly baby aren't you?" felix cooed teasingly, chan narrowing his eyes.

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