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"one small latte please with almond milk."

"alright." nodding felix smiled before turning around and grabbing a small cup. making the coffee like normal felix grabbed a little cookie bag before picking a random cookie out and bagging it.

"here you are. it's on me." smiling softly as the woman thanked him before walking off to her daughter felixs gaze flickered to the door. his brother and noah walking into the coffee shop with cotton candy in hand.

"i told him no candy...." the male uttered in slight disbelief.

"felix why the long face?"

"it's not cute minho." felix said shooting his brother a glare as noah took a seat at the counter.

"he was asking nicely." minho defended with a shrug before waving his cotton candy at felixs face.

"nah uh you said-"

"shhhhh." covering noahs mouth with his free hand minho grinned.

"i should have known better anyways. noah knows the rules and unlike you he listens."

"oops. so i'm going out tonight." minho stated wiggling his brows.

"good for you. you go out every other night." felix deadpanned although minho only snorted in reply.

"ha ha, i need you."

"for?" wiping the counter off felix watched his brother grin sheepishly.

"i need you to accompany me. it's a double date and i need you to ya know.." trailing off the male took a bite of his candy.


"aw come on.! jeongin is back in town and i'm sure he'd watch noah for you. noah was just talking about him on the ride here."

glancing at the boy who was eating his cotton candy and talking to his turtle felix looked back at minho with a really look.

"i'm not throwing my kid on jeongin."

"it'll only be for two hours at the most! please..." giving felix his best puppy dog eyes minho clasped his hands together.


"felix i'm fine with going to innies. you can have a break." noah said lifting his head.

"i don't want a break noah, i enjoy spending time with you."

"but you need a break. i'll be fine." noah said shrugging before taking a bite of his cotton candy. minho smiling brightly in response "see! i told you."

"...no more than two hours minho. i'm serious." felix finally uttered giving up completely. he couldn't ever win when the two were working together.

"of course! thank you."



"you're early." gasping dramatically minho crossed his legs as felix took a seat across from him.

"noah was rushing me." felix replied fixing his hair and sighing. going on dates was a bit out of his comfort zone.

"he really wanted to spend time with jeongin." minho mumbled amused. he could picture noah throwing felix out of the house by poking him with his sword while jeongin ate something that didn't belong to him.

"i know." nodding felix clasped his hand in front of himself.

"i ordered you a water because i know you don't drink. also mom told me to tell you that if you didn't bring noah to see her soon she was disowning you because you quote on quote can't keep her grandchild away."

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