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"you are very late."

"i know." nodding felix flashed the woman an apologetic smile. the snippy tone she had making the male slightly uncomfortable.

"i'll call him." she muttered under her breath giving felix a blank look.

"thanks.." sitting down felix sighed quietly. he wouldn't have been late if it wasn't for his boss. shoving extra hours on him without talking to him about it first. thankfully his friend had offered to take his last thirty minutes so he could go.

"he's on his way." she called out before returning to her obnoxious gum chewing and keyboard clicking. felix raising a brow before leaning his head back. the building was chilly and he cursed himself for not bringing a jacket of any sort.

hearing shoes dragging across the floor felix peered to the side of the desk, a small face peeking over the wood and staring at him.

"come on," felix mumbled softly, the boy nodding before walking over to him slowly.

"are you okay?" grabbing the boys face gently felix looked at him worriedly.

"yeah. my stomach was just hurting." the boy whispered quietly as he looked at felix.

"alright. i'll take you home, i need to go back to work later so seung will watch you ok?"

"k." nodding the boy pulled away and held his backpack straps as felix stood up.

"want to hold my hand..?"

"...i'm fine felix." the boy mumbled playing with the thin straps, felix frowning in reply before nodding stiffly.

"alright bub..let's get home."


"no snacks after bed. bath at eight or he's not going to want to take one at all. his melatonin gummies are there. am i missing anything-"

"felix, i've watched him many many times. i got this ok? just go to work." chuckling seungmin grabbed a grape from his bowl and plopped it into his mouth.

"i know. i just get so fucking nervous." felix admitted sighing and allowing himself to relax a bit. seungmin watched him enough he shouldn't have to feel worried yet he did.

"i know. he'll be in bed on time. no candy and shit. i'm sure i've got this. he's a good kid." seungmin added hoping to ease felix more.

"i know i know.," felix muttered before giving his friend a half smile "i need to go."

"you do."

rolling his eyes felix grabbed his keys from the counter before snapping his fingers "cartoons-"

"only after he does his homework. i know."

smiling widely felix grabbed his badge "alright. i'll be back at eleven. love you guys."

"love you too. be safe or whatever." seungmin muttered snickering as felix quickly jogged out of the kitchen, the small boy standing in the foyer waiting on him.

"oh bub," grabbing the boys arm felix bent down and blew a strand of hair from his eyes "i'm leaving now. be good for seung and i'll take you for candy tomorrow."

"ok." nodding the boy tilted his head sideways before hugging felix, his small hands patting the boys back.

"be safe." he murmured into felixs neck before pulling away and pursing his lips. almost like he regretted his actions.

"i will. i'm running late shit ok," standing back up felix paused "i love you." kissing the boys head felix ruffled his hair before quickly leaving the house. the small boy staring at the door with a frown before turning his gaze towards the direction of the kitchen and to seungmin who was walking his way.

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