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"channie." crossing his arms noah looked at the male as he stepped inside the classroom.


"my s-social worker is here." snapping his fingers noah sighed. chan nodding slowly. noah seemed more and more quiet. chan noticed his lisp was more prominent again and he didn't bother doing his daily work. it was like he was giving up.

"noah have you went to your speech therapist lately?"

"no. my new parents said i don't need it." noah muttered stomping his foot. his lisp made him very upset. it wasn't fun being the kid who talked funny.

"i see..." nodding chan clicked his tongue before standing. it wasn't really his business but he didn't see the point in not letting noah go. they were throwing away all the practice and time felix spent making sure noah got what he needed.

"did you do your homework from last night?"


"why not?"

"because i only had an hour to talk to lix and i wanted to make sure i used all my time." noah muttered pouting. he didn't mean to forget about his homework. but he had been dragged out and about and when he got home he only had a few hours to stay up and he still had chores to do.

"ah..well why don't you do it in here real quick. i'll speak to your social worker."

"k." shrugging noah nodded and walked off to his desk to find his papers.

"mr.bang?" knocking on the door lightly the woman smiled professionally. chan nodding "that's me."

"ah. can i speak with you for a few moments please? if it's not a bother."

"it's not." returning a smile chan stepped out of his classroom behind the woman. his class was in gym so he was sure she had probably pulled noah out.

"i'm going to need you to be honest. have you seen a difference in noahs behavior since he was moved homes? little things and maybe even character changes?" she asked lowering her voice. she didn't want noah to overhear anything.

"i have." chan answered honestly. it had only been a few weeks since noah had been living without felix and the change in the boy was too big to be unnoticeable.

"can you give me a few examples please?"

"well he's been eating less at lunch. his lunchbox is practically full by time he leaves," chan muttered frowning. noahs lack of eating didn't slip past anyone. changbin, jisung and chan were all worried about the boy. when they asked why he'd answer with my belly hurts or i ate this morning. it was so off to see him sit there and maybe at the most drink his drink.

it had gotten to a point where chan playfully started offering to feed him(which noah accepted surprisingly) just so he would eat something.

and then out of nowhere he was eating again, he started out pretty slow but in no time his lunch was gone and he wasn't not eating. jisung remembered him mentioning something about seeing felix the day before and spending time with him.

"he's kinda been dozing off here and there in class. and his unfinished homework is piling up slowly."

"ah..i'm sure that has something to do with the fact noah has to call felix every night. his parents told me he won't go to sleep unless he has." she uttered thoughtfully. around two weeks in to noahs transfer she had got a call from the woman who was having small difficulties with noah. he refused to sleep if he didn't get to talk to felix. he sat there and stared at you blankly if you told him no and then he proceeded to frown and start spitting out ocean facts until he got his way.

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