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pLs if ure not shy-gIb me comments so ik how i'm doing cus insecurities u don't have to tho ofc<3 it just makes my day better with interaction.

"mom! my belt is stuck!" running down the stairs noah went straight for the living room. he had a date.

"noah-you're seventeen and you still cant fix your belt?" felix murmured amused as noah stopped in front of him. his sons face turning red as he crossed his arms.

"guess not..can you help?"

"mhm." fixing noahs belt felix raised a brow as small footsteps sounded. a small sleepy face greeting felix first.

"lily..good morning." patting noahs leg felixs gaze flickered to chan. said male looked half out of it as he walked the girl towards the couch.

"lily.." grinning noah picked the girl up. lily hugging him and burying her face in his neck.

"where are you going so dressed up?" chan asked sitting beside felix who snorted. never remembers anything. unless it benefits him.

"he has a date with kyo-he's been talking about it nonstop."

"mom it hasn't been nonstop!" noah exclaimed rubbing lily's back.

"it has been." tossing the baby toy onto the floor felix blew a strand of hair from his eyes. they had adopted not too long after noah asked for a second sibling. the process was tiring and took a while but soon enough they took home a two month old girl. they said she was too young to remember any sort of name from anyone so they decided to change it. noah got to pick the name. it took him almost a week to even produce lily. mostly because he wanted it to match her.

"..it hasn't but i can't ever win with you so i'll agree." noah grumbled handing the girl over to felix. lily frowning and sniffling, her hands reaching out to noah. he was a good big brother. he watched her for felix and chan, telling them they deserved at least a simple date once in a while. he helped change her and feed her. picked her outfits that matched with his sometimes. felix was happy he was so enthusiastic about having a sister.

it probably helped distract him from the fact that parker moved. it hurt a lot when his brother showed up and said he was moving. better opportunities he said. noah almost cried then and there but he kept himself together until parker left.

"roo.." sitting on the edge of noahs bed chan wrapped his arm the boys shoulder. noah hugging him sideways and sniffling.

"...he won't be here anymore. he wont see me graduate or anything dad..he's been in my life for-ten years. that's not enough. and now i'll only see him during holidays-so twice a year. if im lucky he'll call but-"

"i get it roo. it hurts.."

"i have three siblings and yet only lily is here." noah mumbled his brows raising as lily started crying. chan sighing and standing although noah caught his wrist.

"can i.?"

"..sure. she's irritable though so..she may throw a fit."

"i got it dad." chuckling noah stood up and wiped his face. chan shaking his head before calling out to noah "roo.?"


"i love you kiddo."

smiling noah nodded "i know. i love you too dad."

watching as the boy left his bedroom chan sighed. noah was the best brother. and a really sweet person.

"anyways i'll be home at ten. that's ok right?"

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