Crybaby x Ben part 20

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Crybaby was having a nightmare and when she woke up, she saw Ben lying on the floor in pain.

"Are you okay?" Crybaby asks as she gets out of the bed and helps him up

"The question is are you okay? When I tried to wake you up, you called me a monster and threw me across the room." Ben says as he cracks a smile

"I'm sorry. I had a really bad nightmare about my mom." Crybaby says

"Do you want to go pay her a visit?" Ben asks as he turns on the light

"I don't know. I love my mother, but she can be so unbearable sometimes." Crybaby says as she opens up the shades and looks at the stars in the sky

"Would you feel better if I came with you?" Ben asks as he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her on the cheek

"That would be sweet, but you would not last an hour with my mother. She will drive you crazy. That is if she isn't drunk like she usually is. That's actually the worst time to be around her. She gets all angry and impatient." Crybaby says as she faces him

"Do you remember the last time you saw her? It might be nice to see her for a little while. If things get crazy, we'll leave." Ben says

"Okay, fine. We'll go for a little while." Crybaby mutters

"That's the spirit." Ben says as he picks her up off the ground and spins her around

"Love makes me sick." Angela says as she stands in the doorway

"Well, hello to you too." Ben says as he puts Crybaby back on the ground

"Don't start." Angela says as she walks in and sits on the bed

"Can't sleep?" Crybaby asks

"Nope." Angela says as she opens the covers and puts them over her

"What do you think you're doing?" Ben asks

"I'm getting comfortable." Angela says as she fluffs the pillow

"Don't get used to this." Ben says

"What are you two talking about?" Angela asks as she puts her hands behind her head

"We were talking about visiting my mother." Crybaby says

"This should be fun. Let me tag along." Angela says

"Not happening." Ben says as he puts his journal in a drawer

"Aw, come on. I'm not a kid anymore Ben. I can handle whatever you throw at me." Angela says as she sits up and squeezes the pillow in her hands

"Who's going to look after Rudy?" Ben asks

"That's what we have parents for, you idiot." Angela says as she mumbles more insults under her breath before hitting herself in the face with the pillow

"I still don't think it's a good idea." Ben says as he takes the pillow from her before she can cause any damage with it

"Fine. I hate that everyone in this house treats me like I'm Rudy's age, and I'm not. I'm capable of taking care of myself." Angela says as she takes the pillow out of her brother's hands and smacks him in the face with it before throwing it down on the bed and getting up

"Where are you going?" Ben asks as he rubs his eyes

"I'm going back to my bed." Angela says as she stomps off

"She just hit me in the face." Ben says as he takes a deep breath and tries to keep his anger under control

"You could've let her come with us." Crybaby says as she grabs the pillow and smacks him in the arm with it

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