Crybaby x Ben part 33

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Angelita wakes up and feels somebody bump her chair, causing her instincts kick in. Grabbing the person by their arm, she pulls them forward and puts her butterfly knife against their throat.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted breakfast." Fleur whispers

"You scared me. Of course I want breakfast. What'd you get?" Angelita sighs

"They had omelettes and pancakes, so I got both. What'd the doctor say?" Fleur said, taking a seat across from her

"Her x-rays look good so far. He said there's nothing to worry about, but I can't help but worry." Angelita sighs

"I don't blame you. She's been your best friend since forever." Fleur said, handing her the pancakes

"She got me through some hard times. When I was a child, my parents weren't around as much. We became friends pretty quickly and even though we're polar opposites, we still got along. I honestly can't believe Ben is willing to go after his own sister." Angelita rants, widening her eyes

"I don't think he'll do it. He loves his siblings more than anyone in the world. I think Angela just needs a talking to." Fleur argued

"They are past the point of talking. Fluer, she stabbed Crybaby and laughed about it. She doesn't feel remorse anymore." Angelita whispered

"Have you heard from Ben? Usually, he'd be the first one here." Fluer muttered

"No, I haven't. Something must be wrong because he never passes up an opportunity when it comes to Crybaby." Angelita mumbles, stuffing her face with syrup dipped pancakes

The curtains swish open and Mark walks in the room

"We have a problem." Mark says, taking a seat next to Angelita

"What's wrong?" Fleur asks, taking a sip of orange juice

"Diamond, get in here!" Mark calls out, watching her walk into the room

"Who's she?" Angelita asks, staring her down

"I'm a friend of Ben's. He's in trouble and so is Rudy. Neither of them came home last night, so something's up." Diamond rants

"Do you think this has anything to do with Crystal?" Fluer asks

"They're trying to figure out a way to get their sister back. Of course this has something to do with her." Angelita whines

"Actually, Ben's trying to figure out a way to kill Crystal." Mark said

"You didn't tell me that!" Diamond shouts

"I didn't want to stress you out." Mark shrugged

"We need to gather a search party. Find Angela's friends and her mother." Diamond demands

"When we find them, we can't go in blindsided. We need to have a plan and a backup plan in case the first one fails." Angelita says

"Don't worry, I got it covered." Diamond says

Meanwhile, Rebekah was pacing back and forth in the living room, waiting for Ben and Rudy to wake up. Crystal was in the kitchen trailing her fingers over the blade of a knife, admiring how sharp it was. Jumping down from the counter, she picks up a bucket full of water and throws it on the two boys, who woke up coughing and gasping for air.

"I wanted to wake them up." Rebekah whines

"Go to the basement and get me some duct tape." Crystal says, setting the knife down on the counter

"You're not the boss of me." Rebekah huffed

"Your stepbrother put me in charge, so I am the boss of you. Now hurry up." Crystal grunts, watching her stomp out of the room and down the stairs to the basement

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