Crybaby x Ben part 17

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Scarlett opens up her window and looks up at the sky. She sees that it's another full moon. They've been coming out a lot lately. Once she gets dressed, she tiptoes out of her room. She grabs a pack of raw steak from the freezer and walks out of the house without waking her parents up. She goes by Angela's house and knocks on her window.

"You have got to be kidding me. What do you want? This better be important." Angela grumbles as she opens up the window

"There's another full moon tonight. I want you and Rudy to come with me to the woods." Scarlett whispers

"Are you insane? You want me and my annoying brother to go to the woods with you while your sister is in wolf form? No way. We could get killed." Angela aggressively whispers

"Will you two keep it down? I'm trying to sleep. Also, Sage has a weakness for children, so I have a feeling she won't hurt me. Wolves aren't very fond of humans, but it's Sage. By our scent, she'll know who we are. I hope so anyway. In case she does try something while she's in wolf form, I'm preparing myself." Rudy says as he walks out of the room and comes back fully dressed while carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows

"Rudy, we're not killing her!" Scarlett exclaims

"If she tries to kill us, I'm shooting her. I'm very good at archery. I never miss." Rudy says as he slings the quiver of arrows over his shoulder while holding onto the bow in his right hand

"Wait, you're 10 years old. How are you skilled at archery? That's a hard sport to learn. Is your aim any good?" Scarlett says as she climbs in the room

"See for yourself." Rudy says as he puts an arrow in the bow, pulls back the bow's drawstring, and releases the arrow; causing it to hit the bull's-eye on Angela's dartboard

"Your brother is not a normal kid." Scarlett tells Angela as she giggles at the sight of her friend's widened eyes and gaped mouth

"I know." Angela says as she smirks

"Maybe I should aim one of these arrows at any boy who thinks it's okay to flirt with my future wife." Rudy says as he raises his eyebrows up and down at Scarlett

"Dude, give it up. She isn't interested in you in that way. Hang out with girls your own age. You get on my nerves." Angela says as she screams in her pillow

"You couldn't get a man even if you tried Angela, so shut it." Rudy snaps

"Let's just go." Angela says as she yawns and runs her fingers through her hair

"Wait. How will you protect yourself?" Scarlett says to Angela as she groans and flops down on the bed

"I'll be fine. I have backup." Angela says as she lays down

"Girl, get up! We don't have time to be carrying your lazy butt out of the house. Get dressed. We got to go." Rudy says as he pulls his sister out of the bed

"I don't know who's more annoying, you or Ben." Angela grumbles as she goes to the bathroom and comes out with clothes on and her hair put into a messy bun

"Buns do you no justice, especially since you have thick hair. Girl, it looks raggedy. Get your hair professionally done. Dang!" Rudy says as he rubs his head

"I will backhand you." Angela growls

"I'm just telling you what's on my mind. Don't get upset. You're so temperamental. Marquis was right to give you that nickname. I wonder if he's dreaming about you tonight. He must be dreaming about some unmentionable things." Rudy says as he makes smooch noises while rubbing his hands all over his body

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