Crybaby x Ben part 5

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It's 4 in the morning and Ben hears a noise from the kitchen. When he first heard it, he thought it was one of his siblings and he laid back down. He knew his siblings wouldn't wake up that late to eat, and his parents wouldn't either. He gets up and goes check out the noise. He sees the refrigerator open and a shadow in the living room. He grabs the person, twists their arm, and slams them against the wall.

"Well, that's no way to treat family Benny." A voice says

"I know that voice." Ben says as he turns on the living room light

"Hey cousin, did you miss me?" The voice says

"What do you want Calvin? It's too late to be here. I could've hurt you. I thought you were a robber or something." Ben says as he lets go of his arm, turns him around, and slams him back against the wall

"Well, my mom and your mom were supposed to talk about something important, but my mom got caught up at work. She sent me to talk to Doris." Calvin says

"Don't call my mother by her first name. That's rude." Ben says

"No. What's rude is that you attacked me. You're forgetting who taught you how to defend yourself in the first place Benny." Calvin says with a sly smile before punching his cousin in the gut and doing a foot sweep on him, causing him to fall to the ground

"You're still the annoying jerk you always were." Ben says as he gets up and dusts himself off

"Ben, what's going on?" Crybaby says as she comes out in her purple pajamas while wearing bunny slippers

"Nothing. Go back to sleep." Ben tells her

"Well, I'm awake now." Crybaby says as she rubs her eyes

"Who's the chick and what's up with the hair?" Calvin says as he walks over to Crybaby, pulls on her hair, and makes her yell

"What is wrong with you, you dimwit?!" Crybaby screams as she punches Calvin in the gut, causing him to buckle over

"Well, she's interesting." Calvin says as he holds his stomach

"You have no idea." Ben says with a smirk

"Where are your parents?" Calvin asks as he walks into the living room, flops down on the couch, and puts his feet on the furniture

"I'll get them. Take your feet off the furniture and try to have some class." Ben tells his cousin

"You are such a mama's boy." Calvin says as he takes his feet down and rolls his eyes

"I'll be back." Ben says as he walks down the hall

"It's too early to be calling me this late Shirley. I told you I'll be at work as soon as I can. Let me get some sleep." Doris grumbles

"Hey mom, dad, Calvin is here and he wants to talk to you. Both of you." Ben says as he knocks on the door and comes in

"Calvin? The rebellious annoying non mannerism problematic Calvin?" Oscar asks

"That's the one. His mom sent him to talk to both of you. She's working pretty late tonight. He's on the couch." Ben says

"How'd he get in the house?!" Doris screams

"Mom, he's been picking locks since he was seven. That shouldn't even be a question." Ben says as he leaves the room and walks back into the living room

"I thought you went to another school." Calvin says to Ben as he hops over the couch, and goes to the kitchen for a bag of grapes 

"I did. It's a long story and you wouldn't understand it. You zone out every time someone talks to you about school." Ben says

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