Crybaby x Ben part 12

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Crybaby wakes up to her stomach grumbling. She runs to the bathroom, and throws up in the toilet. She felt like her insides were being crushed every time she vomited. Not long after, Ben peeks his head through the door and bends down to pull her hair back as she continues to vomit. When she's finished, she puts her back against the bathtub and tries to catch her breath.

"You must've ate something that didn't agree with you." Ben says as he wets a rag and wipes her sweaty face while staring at her shaky hands

"Possibly. I feel like crap." Crybaby says as she groans and buries her face in her knees

"Stay here. I'll go get you some ginger ale." Ben says as he hands her the rag before walking into the kitchen

"Do you two ever just sleep through the whole night?" Calvin asks as he sneaks up behind his cousin

"Shut up." Ben says as he grabs the ginger ale from the fridge and a glass from the cabinet

"Wow. Great comeback." Calvin says as he turns on the light and hops up on the stool in the kitchen

"I'm not in the mood for your stupidity right now, okay?" Ben says as he pours the soda into the glass

"Someone's a little grouchy." Calvin says as he smirks

"Go back to sleep." Ben says as he walks out of the kitchen

"Oh no. Not again." Crybaby says as she leans over the toilet and vomits

"I got your soda. Crybaby, how long has this been going on?" Ben says

"I don't know. About two days or so." Crybaby says as she holds her stomach

"Drink this. You have a stomach virus. You need a lot of ginger ale and rest. It'll go away in a few days." Ben says as he hands her the glass and pushes her hair back

"Thank you. Ugh, I wish that stupid virus didn't exist. I feel worse than I did after I got off of the carousel." Crybaby says as she chugs down the soda

"You and carousels just don't mix very well, huh?" Ben asks

"Nope. Not really. I would get up, but I feel like my knees will give out on me, and I'll collapse at any moment." Crybaby says as she rubs her head

"Come on. After I put you back in the bed, I'll get you another glass of ginger ale. You'll be so sick of it after a while." Ben says as he lifts her up in his arms

"I may never want to drink it again." Crybaby says as she lays her head on his chest

"Well, food hasn't been agreeing with you. Maybe I'll make you some soup in the morning. Start slowly with the food." Ben says as he puts her down on the bed and wraps the covers around her

"I'm sorry that I keep waking you up. I try not to." Crybaby says

"It's fine. I usually have trouble going back to sleep after I wake up from a nightmare that I can't forget. Besides, as long as I wake up with you every day, I'll be fine." Ben says as he puts his hand on her cheek and kisses the top of her head

"Your mom did right by you. She should be proud." Crybaby says as she holds his hand

"She's been telling me how proud of me she was since my first birthday. I don't think she'll stop anytime soon." Ben says as he watches Crybaby giggle

"Your mom waited up for your dad for quite a long time last night." Crybaby says as she sits up

"Well, most nights he comes home, and other nights, he's out doing God knows what." Ben says as he sits on the bed

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