Crybaby x Ben part 39

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Ben woke up the next morning, slightly groggy from the recent events from last night. Suddenly, he felt a hand clasp over his mouth and a cold object held against his throat

"If you scream, I'll finish the job." Crystal whispered to him before looking over at Crybaby, who was sound asleep

"Why do you keep tormenting me?" Ben asked

"I don't like you. Your girlfriend on the other hand, she seems like a real catch." Crystal slowly trailed her dagger down Crybaby's cheek

"Don't touch her." Ben shoved her away

"Don't worry, Benjamin. She'll be the last name I cross off my list, you're the first." Crystal diabolically cackled

"I should've gotten rid of you when I had the chance." Ben's eyes turned black

"You try anything and I'll make sure your little brother will never see the light of day again." Crystal threatened

"What are you talking about?" Ben shuddered

Crystal pulls him into Rudy's room and he gasps at the sight of his little brother frozen in a block of ice, his head being the only part of the body defrosted

"She's crazy." Rudy cried

"Thank you, doll." Crystal smirked

"Let him go! Also, where's my sister?" Ben asked

"Come on out, sweetheart." Crystal says

Crystal transforms back into Angela, who still had white streaks in her hair, revealing that she had control over Crystal's powers

"Hello, brother." Angela smugly replied

"What did you do?!" Ben yelled

"Why do you care? You've made it perfectly clear that you didn't want me around anymore, so I'm granting your wish." Angela answered

"You're going to kill Rudy." Ben pointed at his little brother, who had tears running down his face

"Do you want me to feel sympathetic or something? The kid has a big mouth, it's bound to get him in trouble sooner or later." Angela shrugged

"Why are you doing this?" Ben asked

"You're a disgrace, Benjamin. You don't care about anyone other than yourself and your girlfriend. To hell with everyone else, right? You'd rather watch the world burn to a crisp than to lose your precious girlfriend. It makes me sick!" Angela yelled

"You're not thinking clearly." Ben says

"I'm actually getting really tired of this conversation, so I'm taking my little brother with me and I'm leaving. If you follow me, he'll suffer the same fate as your girlfriend." Angela says before transforming back into her psychotic half, who grabbed Rudy and left the house

Ben rushed back into his room, where Crybaby jerked awake at the sound his screaming

"What happened?" Crybaby whined

"Crybaby, you need to listen to me. When I leave, lock the doors and the windows. Don't open the door for anyone but my friends, cousin, or mother. I'll explain everything later, I promise." Ben caressed her cheek

"Okay, I got it." Crybaby nodded

"Grab something to protect yourself in case something happens, I'll be back before you know it." Ben kissed her forehead before grabbing his jacket and leaving the house

After he left, he took a bus towards his friend's house and knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for an answer. The door opens and Diamond steps outside, shocked at the sight of her friend standing on her porch

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