Crybaby x Ben part 40

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The next day, Ben woke up to find Crybaby sitting in front of his desk humming and drawing. Slowly crawling out of bed, he gently puts his hands on her shoulders and she turns around, greeting him with that smile he loved so much

"What are you doing?" Ben asked, taking a seat next to her

"Sometimes when I get bored, I draw." Crybaby answers

"I assume you met Diamond?" Ben asked

"Yeah, she's okay. Her eyes turned black and she threatened to hurt me. Does that always happen?" Crybaby's eyebrows furrowed

"Can't say that it does." Ben sighed

"I'm hungry." Crybaby held her stomach

"I'm getting ready to make breakfast, what do you have a taste for?" Ben smiled

"Some french toast would be nice!" Crybaby's eyes lit up

"French toast coming right up." Ben clapped, giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room

A few moments after Ben left, Doris walked into the room with a basket full of clean clothes, setting it down on her son's bed before opening up the drawers

"Hi, honey. How are you feeling?" Doris smoothed out her hair

"I have a migraine, but I'm okay." Crybaby rubbed her head

"I could give you some medicine to help with that." Doris offered

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you for letting me stay here." Crybaby smiled sweetly

"Oh, you don't have to thank me." Doris laughed

"Yes, I do. No one's ever cared for me, truly cared for me. You were willing to allow me into your home, a complete stranger. You knew I needed help and you were willing to provide it, so thank you." Crybaby embraced her

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Now would you care to explain why my house smells like cinnamon?" Doris says

"Your son's making breakfast for me. You did a wonderful job raising him, he's the sweetest." Crybaby blushed

"Come on, go help him in the kitchen. He could always use a sous chef." Doris kissed her forehead before leaving the room

After throwing on a t shirt and jeans, Crybaby enters the kitchen and grabs an apron off the hook, tying it around her waist

"What do you think you're doing?" Ben giggled

"I want to help." Crybaby tied her hair back

"Can you grab the milk from the fridge?" Ben asked, watching her head to the refrigerator

"Okay, I got it. Oh my gosh, it's heavy." Crybaby grunted, slamming it down on the counter

"I already cracked the eggs, so pour ¼ cup of milk into the bowl while I grab vanilla extract and ground cinnamon." Ben instructed

"Do you have the tiny tablespoons? I'm not a mathematician, you know." Crybaby grumbled

"Oh, right! I'm sorry." Ben opened the drawer, placing the tablespoons out in front of her before rushing over to the cabinets

Once Ben grabbed the ingredients he needed, he headed back towards the counter, where Crybaby was carefully measuring the amount of milk she poured into the tablespoon

"Can I pour it in now?" Crybaby asks

"Yes, you can." Ben nodded

"Okay, now what?" Crybaby placed a chef's hat on her head, making Ben burst out laughing

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