Crybaby x Ben part 11

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Crybaby wakes up groaning. She rubs her head and walks to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror, takes one look at her frizzy hair, and giggles as she fixes it.

"Why does my head hurt so much?" Crybaby asks herself as she rubs it

"Are you okay?" Ben asks as he startles her

"You should be asleep. I'm okay." Crybaby says as she hugs him

"You don't sound like you are." Ben says as he wraps his arms around her

"I just have a huge headache. Do you have any pain pills that could help?" Crybaby says as she pulls away

"Hold on." Ben says as he walks into his parents room and shakes his mom awake

"What do you want?" Doris asks in an annoying tone

"Do you have any pain pills left? Crybaby has a headache, and she needs something to stop it." Ben whispers

"They're on my dresser. Grab them and go." Doris grumbles as she rolls over on her side

"Okay." Ben says as he chuckles and grabs the pills before leaving the room

"I feel like crap, but this new nightgown looks good on me." Crybaby says as she smoothes out her sleeveless lavender nightgown

"I got the pills. I'll go get you some water." Ben says as he hands her the pills and smiles at her before walking to the kitchen

"Even when he's half awake, he's adorable." Crybaby says as she smiles and bites her lip

"Mom is always moving stuff around." Ben mutters as he looks through the cabinets for a glass

"Oh my God. Can a dude get some sleep in this house?" Calvin mutters

"I'm sorry. I'll be out of here in a minute. I just need to find a glass." Ben says

"Third cabinet on the left. You should know that, you idiot." Calvin says

"It is way too late for you to be calling me names. Don't start." Ben says as he grabs a glass and puts water in it

"You woke me up, so I have every right to call you every name under the sun." Calvin growls

"Go back to sleep." Ben says as he walks out of the kitchen

"Stop coming in the kitchen then." Calvin says as he pulls the covers over him

"Here you go." Ben says as he hands her the glass

"Thank you." Crybaby says as she puts the pills in her mouth before chugging them down with water

"Lavender is a cute color on you." Ben says as he leans against the door

"Stop. You're making me blush." Crybaby says as she twirls her hair

"You think you'll be able to go back to sleep?" Ben asks

"Maybe." Crybaby says as she starts to walk out of the bathroom before she feels the house shake

"What was that?" Ben asks as his eyes widen

"Rudy." Crybaby says as she holds onto the sink

"Oh no." Ben says as he runs down the hall and swings open his little brother's door

"No! Leave him alone! Don't hurt him! Aaaahhhh!" Rudy screams as he kicks the covers off of him and makes the house shake even more

"Rudy, wake up!" Ben screams as he holds his brother in his arms

"What's going on?" Angela asks as she tries to maintain her balance as she walks in her brother's room

"Your brother is having a nightmare." Ben says as he tries to wake him up

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