Crybaby x Ben part 3

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"Ben, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Crybaby screams as she runs in his room and jumps on the bed

"Crybaby, it's way too early for you to be screaming. Go back to sleep." Ben says grumbling as he puts the covers over his head

"I can't. There's a carnival coming into town and I want to go! I want you to take me. Come on, please!" Crybaby pleads with him

"It's 8 in the morning and I usually don't get up till around 10:30. I'm far from a morning person." Ben says as he checks the time

"I'm sorry, but I'd like to at least feel normal for once in my life. I just want to have fun and hang out with you more." Crybaby says giving him the pout face

"Okay, fine. I'll take you. Just, please stop giving me the pout face. It's cute and irresistible." Ben says looking half awake

"Aw thank you! I'm going to go get ready!" Crybaby squeals as she gives him a hug

"On one condition though." Ben tells her

"Okay, what is it?" Crybaby asks

"Please don't take me on any ride that will make me dizzy, vomit or make me feel like my heart will literally come out of my chest." Ben tells her as she smiles

"Well, where's the fun in that? The crazy rides are usually the best ones. Crybaby says

"Crybaby." Ben says as he gives her a look

"Fine. No crazy rides." Crybaby says folding her arms

"We'll go in a few hours. I need to handle my siblings, see what time my mom gets home from work and I need a pick me up." Ben says

"Drink some coffee. You'll be fine." Crybaby says as she gives him a kiss on the head and goes to get ready

"The things we do for love." Ben says as he gets out of bed and goes in the bathroom

"This curling iron stinks!" Rudy says while sitting in the dining room trying to figure out an experiment

"Where is my curling iron?!" Angela screams from down the hall

"Your curling iron stinks!" Rudy screams

"Boy, if you don't give me back my curling iron, you'll know what a cartoon character feels like when they get knocked out." Angela says as she makes a fist

"Take your ten bucks worth of crap." Rudy says as he throws it to her

"Ugh! Everything was better when I only had one brother! Why'd you have to come into this family, you freak?!" Angela screams

"Hey, what's going on?" Ben says as he comes out to the living room all dressed and sees Angela growling at Rudy

"Maybe it would be better for everyone if I never existed!" Rudy screams as he runs past Ben crying. He hears Rudy slam his door.

"What did you say to him?" Ben asks his sister

"Oh, am I supposed to answer to you now? You were out of our lives for a while. Don't think it's that easy to get back in. You may be my big brother, but you are not the boss of me anymore." Angela tells him as she rolls her eyes and goes back to her room

"Teenagers." Crybaby says sitting on the couch

"I don't understand her. I mean when she was little, she always told me everything. Now it's like she can't stand me." Ben says as he sits on the couch and lays on crybaby's lap

"Hey, don't stress so much. Give her some time. She'll come around. When she's ready to tell you what's on her mind, she will. Just be patient with her." Crybaby says as she runs her fingers through his hair

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