Crybaby x Ben part 25

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It was 9:30 in the morning, and Crybaby was already awake. She was staring out the window and looking at the view. She turns her head towards the sound of the door opening, and it was Ben with a plate of food.

"Are you hungry?" Ben asks as he closes the door

"That shouldn't even be a question." Crybaby says as she grabs the plate and sits at the desk

"What are you doing up early? You usually sleep in." Ben says as he flops down on the bed

"I couldn't sleep." Crybaby says

"Are you okay?" Ben asks as he gives her a worried look

"I'm fine. You're the one telling me not to worry about you, but you worry about me more than I worry about you." Crybaby says as she cuts up the pancakes

"I can't help it. You have a look in your eye that I know all too well." Ben says as he opens up a journal

"That's a different journal. Can I see it?" Crybaby says as she puts her plate on the table and walks over to him

"No way. Besides, there's a poem brewing in my mind right now, and I need to write it down before I forget it." Ben says as he grabs a pen

"Is it about me?" Crybaby asks as her eyes light up

"I'll never tell." Ben says as he starts to write

"Give me one good reason why I can't see it." Crybaby says as she folds her arms

"Because that love letter wasn't the only thing I wrote about you. Ever since I met you, my brain went haywire. Once I started writing one thing about you, another poem came to mind. I tried to stop, and I tried to focus on other girls. The problem is the only girl I could focus on was you. I didn't want any other girl. I wanted a girl who stood out from the crowd instead of blending in with it. That's when I laid eyes on you. It's hard to look away from a girl who's randomly dancing in the cafeteria." Ben says

"That's considered pretty normal around there. The students were used to my wacky behavior. So what you're saying is that a majority of these poems are about me?" Crybaby says as she grabs a chair and sits beside him

"Yes. The truth is, I don't know how you'll take it. I mean, I've never felt this way about anyone before." Ben says

"Humor me. What was the first thought that came to your mind when you first saw me?" Crybaby says

"I thought you were very pretty, and weird. I found it exciting though. You were far from ordinary, and I loved it. I didn't care what people said about you. It wasn't going to change how I felt. Once I looked into those eyes, I knew there was something special about you. I was already hooked on you." Ben says as he gives her a peck on the lips

"I'm still trying to understand how you stayed single all those years." Crybaby says as she sits on his lap

"I was waiting for you. Besides, trying to talk to a girl was like pulling teeth with me. I was awkward and shy. I mainly kept to myself. No girl wants a guy who reads romance novels and writes poetry." Ben says

"I could think of one girl who does." Crybaby says as she presses her lips against his

"First of all, ew. Second of all, we have something that keeps people from coming into our rooms or houses. They're called locks. Use them! My poor innocent eyes." Rudy says

"Can we help you with something?" Ben asks as he pouts when his girlfriend gets off his lap

"Actually, you can. I tried to talk Angela into helping me, but she's being a donkey right now, so I need your help with my homework." Rudy says as he puts a textbook on the desk

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