Crybaby x Ben part 14

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"Ben, wake up! Come on. Get up." Crybaby says as she pulls on his arm

"There better be a good reason for getting me out of this bed." Ben grumbles

"The sun is coming up. I want you to watch with me." Crybaby says

"Alright." Ben says as he gets out of the bed and rubs his eyes

"Sit there." Crybaby says as she puts him in a chair

"I might fall asleep here eventually." Ben says

"I'll sit here." Crybaby says as she sits on his lap

"Are you comfortable?" Ben asks as he giggles

"Very much. Thanks for asking." Crybaby says as she smiles

"You have so much energy for someone who's awake at 6 in the morning." Ben says

"It's coming up. Watch." Crybaby says

"Now I understand why you love them so much. They're beautiful." Ben says as he watches the sun come up before staring at Crybaby's beautiful brown eyes that were captured by the sunlight shining through the window

"I know right?!" Crybaby says as she stares at him

"Now can I please go back to sleep?" Ben asks

"Yes, you can. I'm just glad that we watched the sunrise together. You made my morning much better." Crybaby says as she gets off his lap

"Maybe that can be our thing. Watching the sun rise." Ben says as he pulls the covers over him

"I'd love that. By the way, you might need a new alarm clock. I may have smashed it. It was going off at 3 in the morning, and it scared me. Plus it messed with my beauty sleep." Crybaby says as she slightly smiles

"That's what I heard shattering last night? I thought it was Calvin trying to see how many glasses he can balance on his head before they hit the ground." Ben mumbles

"Move over." Crybaby says

"Yes ma'am." Ben says as he smiles

"Maybe we could sleep for a few more hours." Crybaby says as she snuggles closer to him and buries her face in the crook of his neck

Around 9, Ben hears clattering and screaming in the kitchen. It sounded like his mom.

"You are unbelievable right now!" Doris screams

"What's going on?" Crybaby asks as she sits up and rubs her eyes

"Oscar, back up. I'm not kidding. I will use this. Get out of my face." Doris says

"Let's go." Ben says as he grabs Crybaby's hand and pulls her into the living room

"Is everything okay?" Crybaby asks as she fixes her frizzy hair

"Stay out of this little girl." Oscar slurs

"Dad, go to bed. You're not thinking straight and you smell like booze." Ben says

"Mom, are you okay?" Rudy's tiny voice whispers as he stands beside his brother

"I'm fine sweetie. Don't worry." Doris says as she smiles at him

"You never know when to stay out of adults conversations, do you little boy?" Oscar asks his son as he staggers towards him

"Don't touch him." Doris says as she pushes her husband back, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud

"I have had enough of this." Oscar says as he stands up and strikes his wife across the face

"Mommy!" Rudy screams as he runs towards her and wraps his arms around her waist

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