Crybaby x Ben part 18

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Crybaby wakes up to someone shaking her. She turns on the lamp and sees Scarlett staring at her and a wolf growling. She jumps up and the wolf gets closer to her.

"No, Sage. It's okay." Scarlett tells her as she backs away

"What are you two doing here?" Crybaby asks as she shakes Ben awake

"It's not even six in the morning yet. Wake me up when it is." Ben mumbles

"Get up. Scarlett and Sage are here." Crybaby says as she continues to shake him

"What? Sage should be in the woods and Scarlett should be somewhere else. Anywhere else." Ben says as he rubs his eyes and jumps once he sees the wolf version of Sage growling at him

"We can't sleep in the woods. It's not comfortable and I've already been peed on four times tonight. I need a shower and my hair is a mess. I can't keep going back and forth between my house and the woods because my parents caught me trying to sneak out last night. Now they're asking questions and I don't know what to do. Can we please stay here? I promise I'll keep Sage under control." Scarlett pleads

"We can't let them go back out there." Crybaby tells Ben as he climbs off the bed

"Hold on." Ben says as he walks to the hall closet, grabs pillows and blankets, and gives them to Scarlett

"You can sleep on the couch. Just keep Sage wrapped up tight in the blanket and keep her from roaming the house. So far, me, Ben, and your siblings only know about your sister being a werewolf. Let's keep it that way." Crybaby says as she pulls leaves out of Scarlett's hair

"Thank you. First, I have to take a shower." Scarlett says as she sets the pillows and blankets on the couch and walks out of the room into the bathroom

"So sage, how are you?" Ben asks before she jumps on him and knocks him to the ground

"I can't tell if she's attacking you or showering you with love." Crybaby says

"Don't worry, she's fine." Ben says as he laughs and pets her

"Let's hope they'll be okay. Let's just get some rest." Crybaby says as she pulls Sage off of him

"You want to go out tomorrow?" Ben asks her as she nods

"Sure, but I get to pick the place." Crybaby says as she snuggles closer to him

"Okay. Good night." Ben says as he closes his eyes

"Goodnight." Crybaby says as she gives him a kiss and falls into a deep sleep with his arms wrapped around her

A few hours later

"Ben, wake up. It's time to watch the sunrise." Crybaby whispers softly as she watches his eyes flutter open

"You might be turning me into a morning person." Ben says as he sits up in the bed

"Really?" Crybaby asks as she smiles

"I said might. Besides, I don't want to miss out on that beautiful smile of yours when the sun comes up." Ben says as he grabs the chair from his desk, opens up the curtains, and pulls Crybaby onto his lap

"You'll be seeing this beautiful smile for a long time." Crybaby says as she hugs him

"It's starting to come up." Ben says as he watches her face light up with happiness

"It's beautiful." Crybaby says as she stares at him before turning her attention back to the sunrise

"It sure is." Ben says as he stares at the sun and strokes her face

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