Crybaby x Ben part 28

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The next morning, Ben wakes up and looks at his girlfriend, who's eyes were still closed. He puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her on the head, careful not to wake her. She groans and kisses his cheek, smiling before opening her eyes.

"I was trying not to wake you up." Ben says, smiling at the sound of her contagious laughter

"I was going to get up soon anyway." Crybaby says, laying her head back down on his chest

"Yesterday was crazy, but I'm really glad you're okay." Ben says

"So am I. You gave me quite a scare." Crybaby says, giving his hand a tiny squeeze

"You two are so cute!" Doris squeals, jumping after watching them spring up in the bed

"I'm too young to have a heart attack. Does anybody make noise in this house?" Crybaby says

"Oh, I'm sorry. I probably should've knocked first." Doris says with an apologetic smile

"Mom, you scared us. What are you doing up this early?" Ben says, pulling the covers over them

"I figured I'd get a headstart on breakfast. You three are savages at the table, especially your siblings. I don't even think they chew their food." Doris says, walking into the room and sitting on the bed

"How are you doing?" Ben asks, reaching out to grab her hand

"It's been rough, but I'm getting through. I'm sorry Ben. I never wanted you or your siblings to know about your father's affairs. I just thought it'd be better to keep it from y'all because I didn't want this family to fall apart before my very eyes. I should've told everyone the truth, so this is partly my fault." Doris says

"Hey, it's fine. You'll get right back on your feet and you'll come back stronger than ever. If I'm being honest, dad didn't deserve you. You deserve to be with someone who will be loyal to you till the very end. One day, you'll find that person. For now, just live your best life." Ben says

"You're a lucky girl Crybaby. My son is one of a kind, so cherish him." Doris tells her before getting up from the bed

"Don't worry ma'am, I will." Crybaby tells her before she disappears down the hall

"Are you okay? It took you a while to fall asleep last night. I had to hold onto you to stop the shaking." Ben says, giving her a kiss on the nose

"I guess I was still shaken up about what happened." Crybaby says, taking the braids out of her hair

"It was pretty scary, but I couldn't panic or I would've made it worse. Besides, I think your friends might end up being traumatized now." Ben says, earning a laugh from her

"They've been through worse. I'm just glad everyone is okay." Crybaby says

"How about we go out again today?" Ben asks her

"Fine, but no bars." Crybaby says

"You're the one who tried to jump over the counter and make another margarita for yourself because the bartender was too busy. If anything, I'm the one who has to keep you away from bars and possibly margaritas." Ben chuckled

"Good thing you stopped me before I had a chance. Now get up and let's go get breakfast." Crybaby says, giving him a kiss on the head before jumping off of the bed and running out of the room

After cleaning themselves up, they go into the living room to see everyone at the table piling food onto their plates and laughing with each other.

"The lovebirds are awake." Calvin says, digging into his hash browns

"Hold on a second. Angela and Rudy aren't at each other's throats, Calvin isn't being chased around the house, and mom isn't yelling. Am I in some alternate dimension?" Ben asks, looking around at everyone

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