Crybaby x Ben part 26

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Ben woke up after his bed got kicked multiple times. He opens his eyes to see his girlfriend with a plate of food in her hand.

"Good morning, you big grouch." Crybaby teases as she hands him the breakfast

"Breakfast in bed. That's new." Ben says as he shields his eyes from the sun

"Well, it's the least I can do since you're taking me out on a date later. Now eat up. You'll need your strength." Crybaby says as she bends over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room

"So she's that kind of woman?" Calvin asks as he steps into the room with a muffin in his mouth

"You need to elaborate because I'm still in a funk." Ben says as he puts his breakfast to the side and throws the covers off of him

"She's going to be one of those girls that cook for their man. It's pretty obvious." Calvin says

"I won't let Crybaby turn into a housewife. She's better than that." Ben says as he slowly walks out of the room and into the bathroom

"Sure she is." Calvin mutters as he gasps once the muffin is pulled out of his mouth and mushed in his face

"You don't have a girlfriend, so I don't need your input on how my girl will turn out." Ben says as he pushes him out of the bathroom and slams the door

In the living room

"He is one cranky guy." Calvin says as he wipes the food off of his face

"You always make him mad." Rudy says as he jumps over the couch and walks him in the face with a pillow

"Don't make me hang you over the balcony little boy." Calvin says

"With those noodle arms? Yeah, right." Rudy says as he jumps into his mother's arms

"Rudy, be nice. Get off of me. It's too early for you to be this energetic. I still haven't had coffee yet, so go away." Doris says as she pushes him away

"Why should I be nice to him? Why should any of us be nice to him? All he does is criticize us. I understand that his dad died, but it doesn't give him the right to threaten us or treat us like crap just because he can't get his life together!" Rudy says as the room quiets down

"I'll get the shovel out of the basement. Somebody order a headstone and buy some flowers. Rudy is about to be put in the ground at a very young age." Angela says as she goes back to chewing her food after her mom looks at her

"That's enough. Go to your room." Doris says as she grabs his arm and raises her eyebrows in surprise when he pulls it away

"Do you think your dad would be proud of you? If he saw who you were today, he'd be wishing he was six feet under. But I guess he took the easy way out, huh?" Rudy says as he grumbles when he gets slapped upside the head

"Enough! Stay in your room and don't come out until I say so. No backtalk or I'll get the belt. You're never too old for a whooping." Doris says as she grabs him by the arm and pulls him down the hall

"Calvin, are you okay?" Angela asks as she touches his shoulder

"Just leave me alone." Calvin snaps as he grabs his stuff and slams the door on his way out

"Are y'all really starting stuff this early in the morning? What happened now?" Ben asks as he lays down on the couch

"Your brother said some rude things to your cousin, and now he's upset." Doris says

"He left, but he'll come back. He did last time." Angela says as she hops over the couch

"What did he say?" Ben asks as he turns on one of his favorite TV shows, ignoring a groan from his sister

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