Crybaby x Ben part 21

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Crybaby looks through Ben's journal and laughs. He walks in the room and sneaks up behind her, causing her to sucker punch him.

"I don't think it's a good idea to scare you." Ben says as he takes a step back

"I'm sorry. I got caught up in reading these. You have a way with words." Crybaby says as she hands him the journal

"How's Missy?" Ben asks as he rubs his cheek

"She's alright. She's playing with your brother right now." Crybaby says as she grabs a pink tennis ball that was sitting on the desk

"Oh yeah. I kept it. I don't know why." Ben says as he scratches his head

"I'm glad you did. I still have the love letter you wrote me." Crybaby says as she smiles

"I was afraid you would think I was weird or something for writing a letter confessing how I felt, but if I tried to talk to you, the words wouldn't have came out." Ben says

"You could've at least tried to talk to me. I would've acknowledged you." Crybaby says as she holds his hand

"I wanted to. Trust me, but I didn't know how." Ben says


"Hey, where have you been? We've been looking all over for you after the food fight." Ben's friend, CJ says as he puts his arm around him

"Hey, who's the girl that was dancing in the cafeteria earlier?" Ben asks

"She's a freak, that's who she is." His other friend, Troy says as he chuckles

"Her name is Crybaby. She's the girl people like to pick on because she's different from the rest of us. I actually think she's kind of cool." CJ says

"You idiots are going to ruin your reputation over some mentally unstable chick." Troy says as he tosses a ball back and forth in his hands

"Did you ever talk to her? Actually get to know her?" Ben asks as he stops walking and faces him

"No. I don't associate with losers." Troy says as he scoffs

"Don't be like that Troy. You don't know what she's going through." CJ says as they walk through the garden

"There's something about her that makes me feel all warm inside." Ben tells CJ as his eyes light up with happiness

"Don't tell me you have a thing for the freak. I think I might throw up." Troy says as he gags

"She's not a freak. I think she's pretty cool." Ben says

"Well, have fun with your new bitch." Troy says before being sucked punched

"I've been waiting for that moment for such a long time." CJ says as he laughs

"If there's one thing I hate, it's when a guy disrespects a woman." Ben says as he watches him touch his busted lip

"You might want to be careful what you say around him from now on." CJ says as he smirks

"Shut up." Troy says as he stands up and tastes the blood from his bottom lip

"So when are you going to talk to her?" CJ asks as he stares at two girls who walked past them

"I'm not the best at talking to girls. Maybe I'll write her something from the heart." Ben says as he puts his hands in his pockets

"Good luck." CJ says as he runs after the two girls

"Thanks." Ben mutters as he stares at the book in his hand

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