Crybaby x Ben part 24

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It was 1:23 in the morning, and Ben kept tossing and turning. He woke up from a nightmare and he couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard he tried. He gets out of the bed very carefully to make sure that his girlfriend doesn't wake up. She has enough on her plate, and worrying about him 24/7 wasn't going to make things easier on her. He walks into the kitchen, and goes through the fridge.

"Can't sleep?" Calvin asks as he turns on the kitchen light

"No. Do you want to share?" Ben says as he pulls a carton of cookies n cream ice cream out of the freezer

"Sure. What's on your mind?" Calvin says as he grabs two spoons

"This whole thing with my dad is bothering me. I really thought that I could have the kind of love that my parents had, but now their relationship is nothing but an illusion." Ben says as he takes a scoop of ice cream and puts it in his mouth

"Your relationship won't be like your parents. That girl in your room loves you, and you love her even though she can be a little crazy sometimes." Calvin says before being plucked in the head

"She's not crazy." Ben says as he laughs

"You know what I mean. Bottom line is you love her in a way that makes her feel special. Look at how much progress you two made being together. You're both still pretty young, and you'll have your hardships along the way, but the love that you two have can get you through anything. You just have to believe that it's strong enough." Calvin says as he grabs an ice cream scooper and takes a huge chunk of it out of the carton while licking it

"Thank you." Ben says as he fist bumps him

"You're welcome. She's your first real relationship, so make it last. She's very rare. If you mistreat her in any way, I will find you and hurt you." Calvin says as he pokes him

"A king is nothing without his queen, and I need my queen by my side." Ben says as his eyes light up

"Would it kill you to be normal for one day?" Calvin asks as he shakes his head

"You should already know the answer to that." Ben says as he hears footsteps

"Miss piggy is up!" Calvin says as Crybaby flips him off and grabs milk from the fridge

"Please don't make her mad." Ben whispers as he jumps out of his seat

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'm going outside for a while." Calvin says as he grabs his jacket and goes out on the balcony

"Hey, can we talk?" Ben asks her as she stops pouring her milk and looks up at him with wide eyes

"Are you breaking up with me?" Crybaby asks as her voice breaks 

"No, of course not. I just want you to quit worrying about me so much. You have a lot on your plate, and worrying about me is only adding more weight to it." Ben says as he kisses her on the head

"I don't have that much on my plate. If you count how many times my heart cracks every time my mother ignores me, then that's one thing that messes with me. I just wish she'd take the time to talk to me." Crybaby says as she sits down and takes a sip of her milk

"One day, your mom will turn things around. Things won't be so complicated between you two." Ben says

"People like my mother don't change. If they do, they change for the worst." Crybaby mumbles

"I know what'll make you feel better." Ben says as he gets up from the table

"Drowning myself in ice cream?" Crybaby asks as she stirs the rim of the cup

Crybaby x BenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang