Crybaby x Ben part 35

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Angela wakes up on the couch, groaning after the sunlight beams down on her face. Memories of getting knocked out flood into her brain and she gets up from the couch, trying to make a run for it. A hand grabs a fistful of her hair and throws her against the wall.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Rebekah laughed

"Why are you doing this to me?" Angela cried

"Because you're a traitor, Angela. We trusted you and you turned on us." Rebekah says, tightening the grip around her throat and lifting her feet up off the ground

"I just want to go home." Angela sniffled, flinching when Rebekah raises her hand and wipes her tears away

"Sorry, but we need you for the plan to work." Rebekah said, throwing her to the ground like a ragdoll

"You're crazy." Angela grunted, slowly getting up from the ground and balling up her fists

"Now you sound like my therapist. Oh, I made you upset. What are you going to do, stab me? I got news for you, princess. I sedated you while you were unconscious, so your powers won't work." Rebekah smirked, pushing her back down on the couch

"Now I'm starting to understand why you have a therapist." Angela muttered

"Shut it. After my brother handles yours, then we'll figure out what to do with you." Rebekah sighed

"What's your plan after that?" Angela asked

"What?" Rebekah asked

"What's your plan after you kill us? Are you going on the run or something? Your relationship is doomed to fail. It's only a matter of time before your big brother leaves you in the dust." Angela explained

"He wouldn't do that." Rebekah shook her head

"While you two are busy planning your revenge on us, my family and friends are getting one step closer to finding me. You're wasting precious time, Rebekah. When this is over and done with, who do you think your brother will choose to save? In the end, he'll always look out for himself. You're nothing but a mere pawn to him. Once you're no longer useful to him, he'll dispose of you." Angela smirked

"You don't know him." Rebekah argued

"You and your younger brother met him at your mother's funeral a few years back and he ended up disappearing. If he really cared about you two, he would've stuck around." Angela pushed

"SHUT UP!" Rebekah cried, throwing the plate on the ground and watching it shatter

"The truth hurts, doesn't it? Deep down, you know I'm right. You know nothing about him, yet you're welcoming him with open arms. He doesn't give a damn about you, he doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself. The sooner you realize that, the better off you are." Angela whispered

"When the time comes, I'm going to kill you slowly." Rebekah shuddered, bending down to pick up the broken pieces of the plate

"I've heard that before." Angela muttered

Meanwhile, Ben was at the house explaining everything that happened while they were held captive at Troy's house.

"Let me get this straight, you ended up denting his skull, which led to his death? That's hella dark, even for me." Sage widened her eyes

"For a second, my sanity left my body." Ben sighed, throwing his head down on the dining room table

"Now Rebekah wants you dead, no surprise there." Diamond interfered

"This time, I'm going with you and nobody's stopping me, not even you Diamond." Mark looked over at her

"Rebekah's powers aren't like ours, she has this ultrasonic scream that's loud enough to burst your eardrums and knock you out. The frequency's strong enough to make your ears bleed." Ben explained

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