Crybaby x Ben part 9

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It was two twenty in the morning, and Ben kept hearing a noise. He wakes up to see everything levitating in the room. He knew it wasn't him, so he looks over at Crybaby, and she looked sound asleep. Something must've been going on in her head.

"Crybaby, wake up." Ben softly says as he turns on the light and watches her opens her eyes, which were black at the moment

"That was a weird dream." Crybaby says as she catches her breath and her eyes back to normal

"Are you alright?" Ben asks as he hugs her

"I think so. Why is everything out of place?" Crybaby says as she rubs her eyes

"Everything was levitating again. Something is going on in that head of yours. I would try to figure it out, but you're pretty complex." Ben says as he puts his back to the wall

"I saw a kitchen, bodies, and a lot of blood. I don't know what it means though. It's frustrating me." Crybaby says as she rubs her head and groans

"That freaked you out? Crybaby, you're used to seeing blood. You love anything chaotic." Ben says

"Only when I'm a part of the chaos. It makes everything much more fun. Like that time where Angelita and I led the students to the principal's office, and watched him get torn limb from limb. That was so satisfying." Crybaby says as she giggles

"You and Angelita seem like insane twisted friends. Plus I've seen her do her knife tricks. It scares me because she is so good at that. By the way, whatever happened to our biology teacher?" Ben says as he stares at Crybaby's hesitant face

"I may have threw him across the room, and let Angelita use her little knife tricks on him. She slit his throat. We had a good reason. He was hitting on his students. That was so wrong in so many different ways. Angelita was the main girl anyway. We both know how that turned out." Crybaby says as she takes her two braids out of her hair and turns them into pigtails

"Both of you are sweet on the outside, but psychotic on the inside. Please don't hurt me for saying that." Ben says as he puts his hands out and closes his eyes

"I'm not going to hurt you. You're right. We're a crazy duo, but we know how to have fun." Crybaby says as she hops off the bed and walks to the kitchen

"Do I have to worry about Angelita ever killing me in my sleep?" Ben asks as he sits at the table

"Not unless you do something that makes her upset, or makes me upset. You should be fine." Crybaby says as she tries to get a box of cereal from the top of the fridge

"Crybaby." Ben says as he snorts

"Don't distract me. I'm trying to get some cereal." Crybaby says as she starts to climb up on the counter

"Crybaby, you have powers, remember? You can float up there and get the cereal. Are you sure you're awake?" Ben says as he laughs

"Not entirely, but I'm alright." Crybaby says as she floats up and grabs alpha bites crunch from the fridge

"Now if you climbed up on the counter, you would've had to climb down, get a stepladder, go to the other side of the fridge, and get the cereal since it was on the other side." Ben says as he tries to stop laughing

"Are you always this talkative when someone wakes you up?" Crybaby asks as she puts her hand on her hip

"No, I'm just bored right now. Now you got me in the mood for cereal. Let me have some." Ben says

"What are you morons doing up so late?! You're messing with my beauty sleep!" Rudy screams as he comes out of his room and growls at them

"Are you trying to wake everybody up?" Crybaby asks quietly

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