Crybaby x Ben part 22

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It was 7:45 in the morning when Ben's alarm goes off. He throws it across the room, and groans. He sits up in the bed, and rubs his eyes. Once he opens them, he lets out a loud scream. He sees Crybaby sitting on top of him, and she was inches away from his face.

"You scared me." Ben says as he buries his face in his hands

"I'm sorry. I wanted to wake you up, but your alarm clock does that for you. I think it might be broken now." Crybaby says as she puts her hand over his racing heart

"Who cares? Who's awake this early in the morning?" Ben asks as he puts his pillow over his face

"IT'S SATURDAY! WHOO WHOO!" Rudy screams as he slides past the room in white socks

"Does that answer your question?" Crybaby asks as she gets off of him

"I'm not getting up till around noon." Ben says as he pulls the covers over his head

"Fine, but that means that your cousin is going to have to make breakfast by himself on the stove." Crybaby says as she watches him spring up

"He can't do that. He'll set the house on fire. Oh my God!" Ben says as he gets out of the covers and puts on his slippers

"Wait, are you serious?" Crybaby asks as she puts her hair in a ponytail

"Very serious." Ben says before he hears screaming

"It sounds like the morning is off to a wonderful start." Crybaby says as she runs out of the room

"FIRE! WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Rudy screams as he runs around the house screaming like a girl

"Put it out, put it out!" Calvin screams as he runs around the hall with a rag on fire

"You've got to be kidding me." Ben says as he gets to the kitchen and watches the fire spread

"We're going to be burned to a crisp!" Rudy screams as he jumps into his brother's arms

"Panicking won't solve anything." Ben tells his brother as he puts him down

"Oh, sure. We'll just wait until the house gets engulfed in flames to panic!" Rudy screams as he jumps in his brother's arms again

"Oh, for the love of God!" Angela says as she stomps into the kitchen, grabs the fire extinguisher off the wall, and puts it out

"We're fine everybody." Calvin says as he watches everybody turn around and send him death glares

"You almost killed us." Angela says as she points the extinguisher at her cousin

"No, no. Wait!" Calvin says as he runs around the living room

"You started this, and I'm finishing it." Angela says as she sprays him until he falls to the ground

"Make her stop! Somebody please make her stop!" Calvin says as he covers his face

"We could've died!" Angela screams as she circles around him and continues to spray him

"But you didn't." Calvin says

"Alright, Angela. That's enough." Ben says as he pulls the extinguisher out of her tight grasp

"She's insane." Calvin says as he coughs and watches everybody laugh once the smoke clears

"Now I feel better." Angela says as she grabs a camera and takes a picture of her cousin's white face

"That's definitely going into the book of memories." Rudy says as he laughs and gets off of his brother

"What is going on out here?!" Doris says as she comes out of her room

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