Crybaby x Ben part 7

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Crybaby was helping Rudy in the living room with one of his experiments when suddenly she hears glass shattering from Ben's room

"Rudy, stay here. I'll be right back." Crybaby says as she puts down the chemicals

"Is everything okay?" Rudy asks as he gives her a worrisome look

"Everything will be fine." Crybaby says as she smiles at him before running to Ben's room

"I can't believe he would do that to us." Ben says as he balls up his fists and makes everything in his room fly around

"Ben, calm down!" Crybaby says as she grabs his shoulder

"Crybaby, leave me alone." Ben says as he gently pushes her away

"Please calm down. Talk to me." Crybaby says in a soft tone

"I can't. It's just difficult for me to process right now." Ben says as he digs his nails into his skin

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me." Crybaby says as she grabs his hands and watches all of the flying objects fall to the ground

"My dad has been telling my mom that's he's been going on business trips, but he's really been with other women. This is going to tear the family apart. What was he thinking? Was he even thinking about our family? I don't know what's going to happen." Ben says as he sits on the bed and buries his face in his hands

"Look at me." Crybaby says as she sits on the bed and tilts his head up to meet her eyes

"I can't fix this Crybaby. I don't know how you managed to go through your entire life knowing what your dad did to your mom, and not go insane." Ben says

"I've had a lot of practice. You'll get through this. I'll help you. By the way, where is your mom?" Crybaby says as she gets off the bed and starts picking up broken pieces of a lamp

"I don't know. She got upset last night, and she left for a bit. I thought she would've been back by now, but I guess she needs more time to process everything. What am I going to tell Rudy and Angela? They'll be hurt. They've been through enough as it is, and having powers won't make it better. If I tell them, they might lash out, and their powers could most likely kill us or bring down the house." Ben says as he lays on Crybaby's lap when she sits back on the bed

"We'll figure something out. We just have to ease them into the news." Crybaby says as she runs her fingers through his hair

"I hope so. I don't want them to split up, and pull them apart. Without me around, Rudy and Angela just had each other. If they pull them apart, hell will probably break loose." Ben says

"I know you're angry right now, but relax. Rudy got a little worried. I don't need him to cause another earthquake." Crybaby says

"Ben? Are you okay?" Rudy asks as he knocks on the door and peeks his head in

"I'm fine. Come here." Ben says as he puts out his arms

"What happened?" Rudy asks as he sits on his brother's lap and hugs him

"I got a little upset. Everything is okay." Ben says as he fixes his brother's goggles

"I finally got new goggles. The old ones needed a break. Do you like them?" Rudy says as he smiles

"They're nice. Keep them like that." Ben says

"I can help clean up the mess if you want me to." Rudy says as he gets off his brother's lap and is about to pick up glass

"Woah! No, we're good. I don't want you to cut yourself." Crybaby says as she grabs his hand

"I deal with chemicals all of the time, and a little glass won't hurt. I'll leave though. I'll make everyone some sandwiches." Rudy says as he opens the door

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