Crybaby x Ben part 13

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Ben was sound asleep when he feels the house shaking yet again. He whines and gets out of the bed.

"This better not happen every night." Ben mutters as he walks down the hall and opens his little brother's door

"What's up?" Crybaby asks as she walks down the hall

"Rudy isn't in here. Oh no. No, no, no, no. Where could a 10 year old be this time of night? We have to find him." Ben says as he walks out of the room and puts on a jacket

"I know where he is, but you'll have to let me come with you." Angela says as she glares at them

"How do I know you're not just saying whatever comes to your mind to get out of the house?" Ben asks his sister

"I know all of Rudy's spots. I know the main one, and it's somewhere in the woods. That lake that you and Crybaby hang out at isn't the only spot to go in the woods. There's a cabin, but it's a few miles away from the lake. I know where it is, so let me come with you. Rudy already did damage last night, and if we don't do something, he won't just be bringing the town underground. He'll be bringing the citizens under too." Angela says as she puts on a jacket and grabs her bag

"Fine. Let's go." Ben says as he grabs the house key and walks out the door with his sister and his girlfriend by his side

Rudy was outside of the cabin thinking back to the day where he watched his friend, Nick get ran over. The way the boys laughed and kicked him after they ran him over boiled his blood. He couldn't calm down. There was only one person that was on his mind, and his name was Connor.

"I will make you pay Connor. I don't care if it's the last thing that I do!" Rudy screams as his eyes turn white and he brings up a bunch of earth blocks out of the ground before throwing them at trees and making them collapse

"Rudy! What are you doing here?!" Ben snaps as he watches his little brother turn his head towards him and notices that his eyes are completely white

"How did you find me?" Rudy asks in a firm tone

"Don't worry about that. We're here to take you home. Let's go before you cause anymore damage." Ben says as he walks towards his brother

"HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!" Rudy screams as the ground shakes even more, causing everyone to lose their balance and fall backwards

"Angela told us where you were." Ben says as he dusts off his hands

"You always had a big mouth princess. Maybe it's time someone dealt with it." Rudy tells his sister as he stomps his foot, brings a round boulder out of the ground, and throws it at her, causing her to hit the ground and go unconscious

"Angela! Rudy, you have gone too far. Now we're taking you home right now, and you're going to apologize to your sister! That is if she wakes up." Ben says

"You'll have to catch me first." Rudy says as he smirks before moving the rock beneath him and launching himself in the air

"I'm not dealing with this all night. Stay here." Ben tells Crybaby as his eyes turn black

"Wait a minute. Ben, you're not going to hurt him, are you?! He's a kid!" Crybaby says

"I'm not going to hurt him. I just need him to listen to me. Hurting him is the last thing I want to do." Ben says

"This is so stressful." Crybaby says as she starts whimpering

"Rudy, listen to me. Whatever is going on with you, you need to find a way to deal with it without hurting people. This isn't you." Ben says as he floats up into the trees

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