Crybaby x Ben part 37

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Angela woke up the next day with a splinting headache, groaning at the intense pounding she felt. Her vision grew clear as day and she looks down to see her hand cuffed to a radiator. Silently gasping, she hears a set of footsteps running down the stairs. Her smile slowly faded once she realized that Rebekah was standing before her.

"Hello, love. How are we feeling today?" Rebekah giggled

"Let me go." Angela croaked

"You know I can't do that, my big brother would have my head." Rebekah sighed, sitting across from her

"So you're his bitch, then?" Angela smirked, gasping for air once a hand wrapped around her throat

"I am nobody's bitch, I'm my own person." Rebekah growled

"Do you think this is what Ellie wanted?" Angela choked, taking deep breaths once she let go of her throat

"What did you say?" Rebekah's voice quivered

"This isn't what your mother would've wanted." Angela repeated

"You know nothing about her!" Rebekah yelled

"That might be true, but I know how a mother acts when it comes down to her children. They will do any and everything to protect them, just like yours did." Angela whispered

"You don't know the whole story." Rebekah sighed

"She drowned shortly after saving a little girl's life." Angela answered

"I was only 10 years old at the time, I couldn't swim at all. She jumped into the ocean and grabbed me, held me underneath her arm before pushing me onto the lifeboat. She tried to climb on, but she was too weak. The waves became too strong and they took her under. I grabbed her hand to try and pull her up on the boat, but I didn't have the strength to do so. Instead, I had to watch her body float towards the bottom of the ocean. A lifeguard found me on shore hours later, called my aunt to pick me up." Rebekah teared up

"What about your dad?" Angela asked

"Once he found out that my mom was pregnant with me, he began to rush to the hospital in the middle of a storm. The roads were slippery, so he lost control and ran into a tree. The crash broke his neck, so I grew up without my biological father." Rebekah explained

"That's rough." Angela sighed

"From what I've heard, your dad's in prison." Rebekah changed the subject

"I don't really want to talk about it. Could you rush upstairs and grab a few pain pills for me? I have a really bad headache." Angela groaned, rubbing her head with her free hand

"I'm only doing this because I don't feel like hearing your insufferable whining all night. Be right back, princess." Rebekah agreed, rushing upstairs and locking the door

Once she no longer heard footsteps, Angela took this as an opportunity to escape. Digging into her front pocket, she pulled out a bobby pin and began to pick the lock. After a while, she heard a click and pulled her hand free.

"Thank you for teaching me how to pick locks at a young age, Grandma." Angela murmured, looking around the room for an escape route

"All you have to do is set me free and I can get us out of here, just let me play around with the pretty blonde for a bit." Crystal laughed

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's good to hear your voice." Angela's eyes widened

"Oh, please. The medication she injected you with only prevented you from using your powers, it didn't stop our psychic link. Now what's your plan?" Crystal continued

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