Crybaby x Ben part 31

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In the middle of the night, Angela shuffles out of bed and to the kitchen for a snack. Grabbing a carton of ice cream out the freezer, she starts to dig into it until she feels a hand on her shoulder, startling her. Turning around to face them, her eyes switch from brown to white and frost comes out of her hands.

"Take it easy Angela. It's just me." Ben said, turning on the light

"Don't scare me like that." Angela muttered, giving him a shove

"I'm sorry. What are you doing up?" Ben said, snatching the ice cream off the counter

"I needed a late night snack. What about you?" Angela says, tracing her fingers over the lining of the spoon

"Crybaby's night terrors have been keeping me awake. I don't know how to calm her down anymore. All it took was a little shake and my voice to wake her up, but now she drowns it out." Ben muttered

"Does she remember these nightmares?" Angela asks

"The only one she remembered was something about bodies in a kitchen and lots of blood. We don't exactly know what that means yet, but she's been frying her brain trying to figure it out." Ben explained

"Ben, are you afraid of me?" Angela asks

"Why would you ask that?" Ben asks

"Because when I transform into Crystal, your pupils dilate, meaning you're afraid. I'm starting to think I have a split personality or something." Angela tells him

"I'm not afraid of you, but Crystal is another story. One day, she's good and the next, she's back to being bad. I don't even think she know who she wants to be." Ben says, holding her hand

"Let's find out." Angela says, taking a step back and letting the transformation go through

"Wait, what? Don't bring her out." Ben pleaded

"What do you want? You better have a good reason for waking me up." Crystal snapped

"You do realize you're making my sister's life miserable, right?" Ben asks, watching her roll her eyes

"I'm helping her." Crystal says, raising her eyebrows at the confused boy

"How exactly are you helping her?" Ben asks

"I explained this before, but I guess your pea sized brain didn't process it, so let me explain it to you once more. All the people who've wronged her are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. They deserve to pay for the things they've done to her." Crystal whispered

"You're no better than they are." Ben said, gasping after she puts a icicle to his neck

"I can always tell when someone's afraid. Their heartbeat quickens, their pupils dilate and their breaths are ragged. Kind of like you are right now." Crystal smirked

"I'm not afraid." Ben says, pushing the dagger away from him

"Oh, but you are. You just mask your fear with this macho thing you got going on. I have to say, it doesn't really work for you." Crystal shrugged

"I want you out of my sister's life." Ben snaps

"Well, that's kind of hard to do. I'm stuck in her body, sharing a brain with her. I know about your little plan Benjamin. You're thinking about taking me out of the picture, but I can't let you do that." Crystal grunted

"She deserves to have a normal life with her family." Ben says

"In case you hadn't noticed, I am her family. She's only like this because of the way she was treated in this household. Mom brushed her aside, always put her precious sons before her. Dad abused her to no end, and you weren't around. Not to mention, the kids at school bullied her until she felt sick to her stomach from crying too much. None of you cared about her! To me, not much has changed." Crystal argued

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