Crybaby x Ben part 4

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Crybaby and Ben were at the park with Rudy and Angela. Rudy was beating up a boy for pushing him to the ground and saying something rude, and Angela was in the gazebo laying down on the bench. Crybaby was on the swing and Ben was on the monkey bars.

"Ben, get down from there! You'll hurt yourself." Crybaby yells as she watches Ben stand on top of the monkey bars

"What if I don't?" Ben asks as he smiles at her

"Benjamin, if you don't get down, I'll come up there and get you down myself." Crybaby demands

"Then come get me." Ben says as he smirks

"You're annoying. Whatever happened to you being afraid of heights?" Crybaby says as she climbs up on the monkey bars and tries to get him down

"Crybaby, relax. I'm fine. I've been doing this since I was eight. I've never gotten hurt. Well except for one time where I tried to do a trick on here and I fell and sprained my ankle." Ben says as he furrows his eyebrows

"Now you know why I want you on the ground!" Crybaby yells

"Fine." Ben says as he jumps down and almost lands perfectly

"Are you insane?!" Crybaby screams as she climbs down

"A little bit. That was fun." Ben says as he sits on the swings

"Ben! Come get your brother or I'll kill him myself!" Mark says as he runs towards him

"Well it's nice to see you too. What happened?" Ben asks as he gets off the swings

"My brother said something rude to your brother, and your brother won't stop punching him." Mark tells him as he rolls his eyes

"The kid needs to learn how to defend himself anyway. I say he's doing a good job. Plus your little brother always had a mouth on him anyway." Ben says as he runs over to Rudy and pulls him off of AJ

"Fair point." Mark says as he pulls his brother by his ear and takes him by the swings

"Rudy, what happened?" Ben asks his brother as he sits with him in the gazebo

"AJ told everyone at school that I'm into this girl in one of my classes and I got mad, but I let it go. Then I told him that I wasn't into her, and he said I liked boys, so I punched him in the face." Rudy says in a calm voice

"Oh wow. My little brother has guts! I'm proud of you little man!" Angela says as she sits up and gives him a hug

"I can't even be mad at you. I'm proud too." Ben says as he joins in on the hug

"I don't think his parents will be too proud though." Crybaby says

"You're not going to tell them, are you?" Rudy asks with a sad face

"No. I'm sure AJ's parents will though." Crybaby says

"Whatever." Rudy says as he gets up from the gazebo and goes on the slide

"I'll be back. They're selling lemonade down the street." Angela says as she starts to leave

"Be careful." Ben tells her as she rolls her eyes

"I always am. Chill out brillo head." Angela tells him as she leaves

"I think she's warming up to me." Ben says

"I told you to give her time. I don't think brillo head is a compliment." Crybaby says as she laughs and runs her fingers through her pink and black hair

"She's a work in progress." Ben says as he takes crybaby's hand

"Hey! Pass it!" A boy yells as he tries to catch a football, but ends up running into Angela and knocking her down

Crybaby x BenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora