Crybaby x Ben part 36

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Ben woke up a bit startled once he felt someone shake him awake. Sitting up in the bed, his eyes meet his mother's and she sits on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes

"I took the day off, figured I'd spend some time with my kids. What do you say?" Doris playfully nudged him

"Yeah, sure. That'd be great." Ben nodded

"Any progress on Crybaby's condition?" Doris asks, pushing her curls out of her face

"I talked to her and her hand twitched, she heard my voice. I think she'll be okay, I just have to be patient." Ben explained, putting on his slippers

"I went through your father's things last night, threw a lot of crap in the fireplace. I really need to stop drinking so much red wine, it makes me go crazy." Doris chuckled

"Mom, it's okay to not be okay. You don't have to front with us, we know you better than that." Ben whispered, holding her hand

"I'm a terrible mother." Doris's voice shook

"No, you're not." Ben sighed

"I knew what your father was doing to your siblings, but I was afraid to do something about it. You three were too smart for your own good, especially you. When you were 6 years old, you came into my room and you asked why I was putting on make-up early in the morning. I told you that I wanted to look pretty for your father, but you shook your head and asked if he was hurting me. You started crying once you saw the bruise around my eye. I didn't want to put your siblings through that, so I got better at hiding the bruises." Doris ran her fingers through her hair

"You shouldn't have hid them, nor should you have lied to them. I understand that you want to protect them, but at some point, they're going to go out into the real world and we can't stop them. Mom, they're growing up, they're not toddlers anymore. Angela and Rudy have faced trauma that can never be undone, they still need you to be there for them." Ben tightened his hold on her hand

"How am I supposed to be there for my kids when I can't even pull myself together?" Doris picked at her fingernails

"No one said parenting would be easy, but you'll figure it out. I'll help you along the way, I won't disappear this time." Ben assured

"Thank you, sweetie. Now go freshen up, breakfast is ready." Doris stroked his cheek before walking out

A few minutes later

"Hey everybody." Ben greeted

"You're being cheerful and it's freaking me out." Rudy deadpans

"Rudy, cut it out." Doris mushed him

"Mother, our sister's been kidnapped by a psychotic barbie doll and I haven't slept in 4 days, so excuse me if my manners aren't up to date." Rudy seethed

"I'm sorry, Barbie doll?" Doris furrowed her eyebrows

"Oh my God, could you be any more clueless?" Rudy rolled his eyes, getting up from his chair

"You didn't finish your food." Doris's tone saddened

"I'm not hungry anymore." Rudy quickly said, walking down the hall towards his room

"Ben, you have to find my babygirl. Do whatever you have to do, just find her." Doris demanded, pulling out a bottle of wine out of the cabinet

"I will, I promise. We'll bring her home." Ben says, excusing himself from the table to check on his brother

Knock knock

"I don't feel like talking." Rudy yelled

"You hurt mom's feelings, she's already drinking wine at 9 in the morning." Ben banged on the door

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