Crybaby x Ben part 34

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The next morning, Ben and his little brother wake up on their couch, still feeling a little groggy from last night.

"Ben, are you okay?" Rudy asks, watching him wipe his tears away

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a minute alone, okay?" Ben replied

"Yeah, sure. Take all the time you need." Rudy nodded, grabbing his blanket and heading to his room

A knock on the door interrupts Ben's thoughts and he gets up to answer it. Mark was standing in the hall with a tub of ice cream, giving him a sympathetic smile before coming in the house.

"How you doing?" Mark asks, handing him the ice cream

"I can't even hold myself together. Crybaby's in a coma and Calvin's dead." Ben says, wrapping his arms around his friend's waist and burying his face in his jacket

"It's going to be okay. You still got me, alright? I'm not going anywhere." Mark tells him, holding him tighter

"Why did Calvin do this? Why'd you let him go by himself?" Ben asks, sitting down on the couch

"I was meeting him there. I had to look after Missy until CJ came back. I'm sorry, okay? He told me to make sure that Crybaby was alright. By the time I got there, he lost too much blood." Mark says

"How am I going to explain to his mother that her only son is dead? She lost her husband and now her son. I don't know how she keeps going." Ben uttered

"Ben, take a breather. You were kidnapped last night and almost got murdered by a deceitful looking barbie doll. If Crystal didn't get you and your brother out in time, you would've been nothing but ashes." Mark explained, gripping his shoulders

"Ashes? What are you talking about?" Ben sighed

"That blonde chick burned down the house last night, but you and your brother were still inside. She said she was taking everyone down to the depths of hell with her. These females friends of yours are batshit crazy." Mark says, getting a chuckle out of him

"Don't start, okay? I've known Rebekah since I've known Troy. That's how it went. She always wanted to hang with us, but freshmen year came and she got transferred to another school." Ben explained

"What happened?" Mark asks

"She had jealousy issues. In the 8th grade, there was a girl in my theatre class who always tried to make small talk with me and when Rebekah found out, she lost it. She pushed her off the catwalk and made a run for it. The girl had a shattered kneecap and a sprained wrist, but she was okay." Ben reminisces

"If Calvin was here, he'd be making fun of you." Mark cackled, shoving ice cream in his mouth

"He totally would. It seems like only yesterday, he moved in with us because his big mouth got him in trouble with the landlord." Ben giggled

"He told me to tell you that he loved you. The only reason he was protecting Crybaby was because he knew how much she means to you. He may have been a royal pain, but he had a good heart." Mark says

"Even for a stoner?" Ben asks, listening to his best friend laugh

"Yes, even for a stoner." Mark cackled, laying his head on his shoulder

A knock at the door interrupts their bonding and Mark gets up to answer it, coming face to face with Diamond.

"Hey, how are you?" Diamond asks, stepping inside

"I think we'll be okay. What are you doing here?" Mark asks

"I heard what happened to Calvin." Diamond says

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