Crybaby x Ben part 16

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Rudy was laying on Ben's chest while Angela laid her head on Crybaby's shoulder. They wake up to sounds of shuffling in the kitchen. Rudy scrambles off of the bed and grabs a bat. Crybaby grabs a trophy and Angela activates her powers. Ben stares at all of them and laughs

"Prepare to battle." Rudy says as he motions everyone to come out of the room as they peek around the corner

"We're finding out what that noise is. We're not on the battlefield." Ben tells his brother as he glares at him

"Every moment in our lives is a battlefield. Get used to it." Rudy says

"It's too late to be arguing with you right now." Ben says

"This isn't arguing. You want to argue? I got a million things to say to you that'll start an argument. Don't get me started. Let's go." Rudy says as he puts his arms out

"Will you two be quiet?" Angela whispers

"Why? You never know when to be quiet. You got the biggest mouth out of anyone in this house."  Rudy tells his sister as her eyes turn white and her hand wraps around his arm while it begins to freeze

"Let go. It's cold. Ow! Ben, calm this crazy girl down. I feel like my arm will fall off." Rudy cries

"Angela, enough. Let him go." Ben says

"Or else what?" Angela growls

"Or else I'll burst you into flames myself. Don't play with me." Ben says as fire comes out of his hands

"Fine. Whatever." Angela says as she lets go of her little brother's arm and walks into the kitchen

"She has an attitude problem. She needs to sort out her priorities." Rudy says as he winches at the pain on his arm

"Let me see." Ben says as he gently grabs his little brother's arm

"Where have I heard that before?" Crybaby asks

"Please tell me you've seen Harry Potter." Rudy says as he groans

"No. Never." Crybaby says as she fixes her frizzy hair

"Ben, you have failed me as a brother. Everyone should know Harry Potter. Everyone. This is bad." Rudy says as he paces back and forth

"Relax. I'll show her the movies later." Ben says as he sees his sister being thrown into a wall

"You better." Rudy says as he glares at him

"Let's go." Ben says as he runs into the kitchen and throws fireballs near the running shadow

"What's up with this dude?" Rudy says as he gets pinned to the wall and Ben gets lifted up off the ground while getting his oxygen cut off

"Let them go." Crybaby says as she screams and throws the shadow over the living room table

"Wait a minute. Ben floating in the air, Rudy pinned to the wall. It's Marquis. Crybaby, no! Calm down. I know who it is." Angela says as she turns on the kitchen light and sees that Marquis has dried up blood on his head

"Marquis?!" Rudy screams as he's released from the wall and hits the floor while groaning in pain

"Ow! Why does my head hurt? What am I doing here?" Marquis says as he puts Ben back on the ground and gives him back the ability to breathe

"That's what we'd like to know. We could've killed you." Ben says as he rubs his throat

"I could've killed you. Oh no. It's starting up again. I must've been sleep fighting. I wander around and use my powers on anything or anyone that could be a threat. You could've tried to wake me up." Marquis says

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