Crybaby x Ben part 10

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Ben wakes up to knocking at the door. He groans and gets up to answer it. Crybaby turns on the light and yawns.

"It only took you 60 years!" Rudy screams as he walks in the room

"What's going on?" Crybaby asks as she rubs her eyes

"Rudy couldn't sleep." Angela says as she walks in with a blanket

"That's a bold faced lie. I was having a beautiful dream about working with one of my favorite scientists. Angela was the one who was having a nightmare. She was screaming like she was about to be murdered. You people are going to quit waking me up and ruining my beauty sleep or I'll cut all of your hair off!!" Rudy screams as he balls up his fists

"Fine. I couldn't sleep. Can we sleep with y'all?" Angela says

"Hop in." Crybaby says as she moves over in the bed

"Move it Grandma!" Rudy screams as he pushes his sister

"Don't start with me little boy." Angela says through her clenched teeth

"Can you two be quiet? You're going to wake mom and dad up." Ben says

"Quietness doesn't exist in this house. You should know that, you idiot." Rudy says

"Are you always this grouchy?" Angela asks her brother

"Are you always this annoying?" Rudy fires at his sister

"Go to sleep." Ben says as he pulls the covers over them and turns out the light

"What is with the screaming?" Calvin asks as he groans and walks into the room while his cousin turns the light back on

"What is with you being all up in people's business?" Rudy asks as he folds his arms

"You're asking for a butt whooping right now little one." Calvin says

"Well, bring it on. I got a lot of energy left in me. Let's go." Rudy says as he raises his voice while hopping out the bed and walking towards his cousin

"Calvin, go back to sleep. Rudy, you're going to sleep and you're going to stop yelling." Ben says as he throws his brother over his shoulder and puts him back in the bed

"Maybe I could if you'd shut up and go to sleep." Rudy says

"Y'all are crazy." Calvin says as he walks out of the room

"Oh my God. Can y'all just turn off the light and go to sleep before I knock y'all out cold?!" Angela screams

"Look here, princess. Freeze your mouth shut, and close your eyes. I hear your mouth enough as it is." Rudy grumbles

"Calm down." Crybaby says as she giggles

"Don't start with us Cruella de Vil." Rudy says as he glares at her

"No. You. Didn't." Crybaby says as she sits up in the bed

"Oh, yes I did." Rudy says as he raises his eyebrows

"That's it." Crybaby says as she grabs a pillow and hits him in the face

"No, you didn't." Rudy says as he grabs a pillow and hits Crybaby multiple times

"You just hit me in my eye!" Crybaby screams as she hits him with the pillow countless times

"Ben, you got one strong woman." Rudy says between the hits

"Alright already. Break it up." Ben says as he gets hit with the pillows

"This is hilarious." Angela says as she laughs while eating popcorn

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