Crybaby x Ben part 8

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Ben was in the living room with Rudy watching a favorite show of his, and laughing while stuffing his face with tacos

"Hey. I'm going to the lake. Do you want to come?" Crybaby asks Ben as she puts on a jacket and pushes her hair back

"I think I'll stay here. Rudy and I are planning on playing chess after this. I already know he's going to beat me. I've never been good at it. I can play a mean game of checkers though." Ben says

"I'm taking you down punk." Rudy says aggressively

"Apparently, he's a little competitive too." Ben says as he hugs his brother

"Alright. Well, I'll bring back some pizza for everyone after I'm done." Crybaby says as she gives Ben a kiss

"Be careful." Ben says

"I will. You worry too much. I'll be fine." Crybaby says

"If you're buying pizza, put some ham on it with sausage and pepperoni. I'm not a fan of plain pizza. I prefer the meat on it." Rudy says as he starts laughing at a part in the show

"Not a problem. I'll get half plain though. Your mom loves it." Crybaby says as she leaves the house

"She's so nice. She's a keeper. If you don't want her, I'll take her." Rudy tells his brother as he laughs

"She's way older than you." Ben says

"So?! Age ain't nothing but a number." Rudy says

"Don't even think about it." Ben says as he laughs

It doesn't take long for Crybaby to end up at the lake. She puts her hair in a ponytail because she didn't want the wind to keep blowing her hair in her face. She was there for about an hour skipping stones when she hears a twig snap, and looks towards the noise

"You're not supposed to be here." A boy says as he walks towards her

"Hello Connor. Nice to see you too. Oh wait, no it's not. I can be here if I want to. There's no rule that says you can't be in the woods moron." Crybaby says as she skips another stone

"Maybe you didn't hear me correctly." Connor says as she grabs her arm before she gets a chance to throw another stone

"Let me go, or I'll make you let go." Crybaby says as she gives him an angry glare

"I'll let go, but you'll have to leave." Connor says

"No way." Crybaby says as she knees him in the groin

"You're going to regret that." Connor says as he groans in pain

"The only thing I regret is talking to you. Now leave me alone." Crybaby says as she starts to walk away

"Not a chance." Connor says as he grabs her

"What are you doing?! Let go of me!" Crybaby screams as she tries to get out of his grasp

Back at the house

"Your move. Choose wisely." Rudy says

"Okay. This seems like a good move." Ben says as he moves his piece and hits the clock

"Wrong. Checkmate. I won. You're terrible at this game. You did somewhat good though." Rudy says as he hits the clock

"Not bad Rudy. Maybe next time, we could play a game that isn't very complicated." Ben says

"Maybe. Wait a minute. Something's wrong." Rudy says as he hears a faint voice

"What are you talking about? We're the only ones in here, and Angela is in her room having an evanescence marathon. We're fine." Ben says as he puts the game away

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