Crybaby x Ben part 23

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It was around 4 in the morning when Ben's door creaks open. He wakes up and jumps at the sight of his mom standing in front of him.

"Sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you. I know you're half awake right now, but listen to me. I need you to stay here today. There's a package coming for me, and I won't be home till late tonight. My job needs me. Your brother and sister will be occupied in their rooms, so you won't have to worry about them. Can you do that for me?" Doris says

"Yeah, sure. Now can I please go back to sleep?" Ben says as he flops back down on the pillow

"Yes, you can. Check on Crybaby though. She's out on the balcony, and she's been out there for a while." Doris says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek and turns to walk out of the room

"Alright. Give me five more minutes." Ben grumbles before the covers are snatched off of him

"Boy, go out there before I drag you out of this bed by your collar." Doris says in a stern tone

"Alright, fine. Whatever you say, your majesty." Ben says as his eyes fight to stay open

"Don't test me right now. It is way too early in the morning to be pushing my buttons. You're lucky I have to go to work." Doris says before walking out of the room

"All of that sounded like gibberish to me. You know what, whatever. Let me go talk to this girl." Ben says as he closes the door behind him and walks into the living room

"I've always wondered what it'd be like to see the stars up close. They're beautiful." Crybaby says as she takes a sips of her warm milk before turning her head towards the sound of the door sliding open

"My mom told me you were out here. I didn't feel you get up from the bed. What are you doing up so late?" Ben says as he grabs a chair and sits next to her

"I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to wake you up." Crybaby says as she sets the milk down on the table beside her

"It's fine. Actually, my mom woke me up. She told me to go check on you, and everything she said from that point on sounded like 'wah wah wah' from charlie brown." Ben says as he looks up at the bright stars

"I love charlie brown. I love the way they dance." Crybaby says as she smiles

"What's going on in that crazy head of yours?" Ben asks

"For once, my mind is actually blank. Overthinking can really burn a person out." Crybaby says as she watches a shooting star go by and makes a wish

"Don't I know it. Up until calvin almost became a flattened pancake, I forgot we had a balcony." Ben says

"Imagine the outcome if you hadn't talked Marquis out of it." Crybaby says as she rubs her eyes

"They still have a lot to learn." Ben says as he looks over and sees Crybaby laying on his shoulder

"Can you take me to bed?" Crybaby asks in a sleepy voice

"Sure. Hold onto me." Ben says as he lifts her up in his arms and walks into the house

"Why does my head hurt so much?" Calvin asks as he sits up on the couch

"It's about time you woke up. I'll explain it to you after I put her in the bed." Ben says as he walks down the hall

"Next time, we should hire someone who isn't your cousin to look after the house and the kids." Crybaby mumbles as she pulls the covers over her once she hits the bed

"I'll pass it along to my mom. Now go to sleep. I'll be back in a minute." Ben says as he kisses her head and turns off the light

"Oh, whipped cream." Calvin says as he opens it and pours it in his mouth

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