Chapter 31

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I looked out the window as we pulled up to the party house. I could see people talking outside and I was honestly excited. The car parked and Minx and I stepped out. I could hear the faint music coming from inside. Minx looked at me before opening the door. "Ready?" She asked me.

"Yep," I told her. She opened the door and the music got ten times louder. I was overwhelmed by the number of people as we walked around the house. As we navigated through the sea of people I recognized a few faces, but no one I had actually met. Minx said hi to a few people before we found a less-crowded space to hang out.

"I'm gonna get a drink, do you want anything?" She asked me.

"Sure," I tried to yell over the loud music.

She left and I just stood there, checking my phone every few seconds. I didn't know anyone there and the thought of seeing Wil or Schlatt was sitting in the back of my head.

"Hey," I heard a male voice say as I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. Please don't be- "Brooklyn you came!" I turned to see Ted talking to me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "Where have you been?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh, I was just taking a break from the craziness of VidCon," I lied.

"I get that," he responded. "How are you? Excited for the finale of your first convention tomorrow?" I had totally forgotten tomorrow was the last day of VidCon. Was I really gonna have to spend it without Wil or Schlatt? 

"Yeah I'm excited," I told him. As we chatted about the convention and everything I couldn't help but think if Schlatt said anything to him. I knew he told Minx about our almost-kiss but no one else had really brought it up. The conversation switched to the party and Ted asked who I came with. "Minx and I came together."

"Oh, you two could've ridden with us. Only Schlatt and I came. Everyone else wasn't really up for it. He should be around here somewhere," Ted started looking around for Schlatt and I felt a pit in my stomach. I hadn't even thought about him being here. Before I could say anything, Minx joined us.

"Hey Ted," she greeted him as she handed me my drink. "How are you?" She asked him.

I tuned out of their conversation as I took a sip of the drink. I felt my tongue burn in reaction, as Minx laughed. "Wow that's strong," I exclaimed.

"Is it?" She asked as she took a sip of hers.

"I should get going," Ted said. He turned to me, "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I just nodded because I really wasn't sure. As much as I wanted to spend the last day with the guys I couldn't just ignore what happened. I started chugging my drink as he left.

"Slow down," Minx laughed. I kept going as she grabbed the cup. "Seriously, slow down. What's up?" She asked me. I was just as surprised as her. I never drank like this.

"Schlatt's here," I quietly said.

"What?" She asked.

"Schlatt is here," I repeated, louder this time.

"Oh," her expression changed as she realized what I said. "Do you see him?" She started looking around the crowded room.

"No, Ted said they came together."

"Wilbur too?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"Thankfully no," I felt it start to get hotter in the cramped room. "I need another drink."

Another drink soon became two more, then three, then four. I was taking shots after shots to forget about the whole Schlatt and Wilbur thing, for at least a moment. I could feel the alcohol start to hit as the busy night flashed by and soon, I found myself in the kitchen as I heard someone yell my name. I recognized the voice as I turned around and locked eyes with Schlatt. He looked happy to see me as he moved through the crowd. He was saying something but I could barely understand. The loud music and people talking drowned him out. I turned to walk away but suddenly my vision got blurry. I felt myself start to fall as he shouted my name one more time. Someone caught me before I banged my head on the tile floor but I couldn't tell who. Everything was just black.

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