Chapter 8

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"Hey," Schlatt said as I joined the call.

"What's up?" I asked. Schlatt and I have never really talked one on one like this before so I assumed it would be something important.

"Nothing, just wanted to talk."

"Pretty sus..." I said. I heard a quiet laugh come from his mic.

"We just haven't really gotten the chance to talk," Schlatt said to me. He wasn't wrong but we also didn't really have anything to talk about. "How's streaming?" He asked as he stuffed chips into his mouth, "when did you start again?"

"I've been streaming for about 4 months now." I told him. "I'm really enjoying it. It's a lot more fun with a group instead of just me."

"Yeah, I get that." I could hear Schlatt sitting back more in his chair. "I haven't streamed in a long time, well, until tonight." He laughed.

"Why's that?"

"I don't know honestly. I like joining other people's streams, cracking a few jokes here and there, but there's a lot of pressure when it's just you."

"You did fine tonight," I told him.

He chuckled, "thanks. Thank you for joining."

"It was fun." I said with a smile.

"I still want my fucking sword back." I giggled at his serious tone.

I thought about when he asked me about Wilbur and I figured I had the chance to ask, "What's up with you and Minx?"

"Me and Minx?" He laughed. "Why do you ask?"

"Well you were so interested in me and Wilbur. Can't I ask questions too?"

"I guess," He went quiet.

"So...?" I asked, waiting for an answer to my question.

"So..." I could almost hear his eyes rolling. "Me and Minx are just friends. It's just for the camera."

"PLEASE!" I slightly yelled. "There's obviously something going on between you two. Some type of sexual tension or something." I smiled listening to myself say this, knowing it would get a reaction out of Schlatt.

"Sexual tension?" Schlatt started making throw-up noises. "Really though, me and Minx are just fucking around."


"Not like that!" He yelled as I burst out laughing. We talked some more about streaming and shit like that. The more we talked the more curse words were added to my vocabulary. Schlatt's really funny. I liked that about him.

"It's getting pretty late over here," Schlatt said as I looked at my clock. It was around 5 am for him. "But before I go, can I get your number?" There was a slight pause before he said, "for 8ball."

Nice save, Schlatt.

"Sure," I responded as I listed off my phone number. "Ok, good night Schlatt!" I said.

Schlatt laughed and said, "Good night, Brooklyn."

Right after Schlatt hung up I got a text from a random number. It was an invitation to play 8ball and I knew straight away who it was from. I smiled down at my phone before saving Schlatt's contact and playing my turn in the game.

It was a lot of fun talking to Schlatt. I feel oddly comfortable around him. Like I could go to him for advice or he would be able to cheer me up if I needed him to. I haven't really had anyone like that since highschool. Rachel wasn't really that type of person so I normally resulted to ignoring the problem. Just another one of my toxic traits.

"I should get to bed too," I said to myself as I yawned. I climbed into bed with nothing but my thoughts. My thoughts of the stream tonight, my thoughts of Rachel, but most importantly, my thoughts of Schlatt.

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