Chapter 27

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Me? Schlatt likes me? But what about Wil? What about-

"Are you really that surprised?" He laughed.

Yes. "I mean, I definitely didn't expect you to like me. Am I really your type? I just-" I stopped myself. "I'm rambling."

"You are," he smirked. I looked up at him. Something about him was so enticing. Maybe it was the way we were standing so close, or maybe it was his smile. Suddenly I felt him getting closer. His lips were just about to touch mine. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to kiss him but-

We both heard his phone start ringing. I felt him back away as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear. "What's up?" There was a long pause as he listened to the caller. I ruffled my hair with my hand while I waited. "She's okay, she's with me. We'll see you later." He hung up after another few seconds.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"Wilbur, apparently he's been blowing up your phone." He laughed. I felt my pockets and realized I left my phone in the hotel room. "Where were we?" He said as he went to lean in again.

"We should head back." I said, putting my hand on his chest to stop him.

"Oh," I watched him put his hand on the back of his neck. "Okay sure," I heard him sigh and start walking back to the building. I quietly followed him as I thought about how bad I fucked up. I wasn't sure if I felt relieved or bad. It would've went terribly whether we kissed or I stopped him and I couldn't help but think if I made the right choice.

We were getting closer to the building and I broke the silence. "Schlatt I-"

"Brooklyn, I get it. You like Wilbur but that doesn't mean shit to me. I really like you and I think we just need more time together for you to realize you feel the same way about me. Why do you think I even came to fucking VidCon? It was for you." I didn't know what to say. "I hate getting all sappy and shit but I don't know what else to tell you." Schlatt just poured his heart out to me and I don't even know how I feel about him. There was a long pause as I thought about everything that just happened. "Well?" He asked.

"I wish I knew what to tell you. This is just a lot." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let's go," he started walking again and I did as well. So much was going on in my head while we walked back to the hotel room. The worst part was seeing Wil when we got there.

"There you are," I felt Wil hug me. "Where were you guys?" He asked. He looked really concerned, almost jealous.

"We just went for a walk." I told him. I felt myself yawn. "I think I'm gonna go home, I'm exhausted."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I just need a break I think." I needed to clear my head and think about everything that just happened.

"I can drive you home," Schlatt offered.

"I got it, Schlatt." Wil said, very protectively.

"No, I'll call Rachel." I told both of them. I didn't want another pick a side situation. I just needed Rachel.

I texted her and waited in the hotel room as everyone else was off doing their own things. I laid on the bed with my eyes closed. I kept thinking about Schlatt and Wilbur. It was like they were fighting over me and I just couldn't handle it. I guess Rachel was right, I really can't have both.

I heard my phone ring and saw it was Rachel. I got my shoes on and grabbed my bag as I answered her call. She told me she was here and I couldn't wait to be back in my own bed.

As I dragged myself outside and to the car I just wanted my thoughts to disappear. My mind was racing a hundred miles a minute and I couldn't keep up. Picking between Schlatt and Wilbur felt impossible.

I finally got to the car and sat down. I felt my head drop into my hands. "Well that's one way to say hi," Rachel laughed. I started to feel my eyes water and I was trying so hard not to cry. Not here, not now. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. I looked back up at her and saw her face change as she realized what was going on.

"Can we just go home?" I sniffled. She agreed and started driving. The drive was short but quiet. Rachel clearly had no idea what to say and fairly, I wouldn't either.

We finally pulled up to the apartment and got inside. I immediately went to my room and got into my bed, I never missed my sheets this much before. I curled up into a ball before hearing Rachel come in. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked. At this point I didn't even know if I wanted to or not.

"It's gonna sound so dumb," I groaned. It really was. I was crying because two guys liked me? Sounds like anyone's dream come true.

"I like dumb stories," I heard Rachel say as she sat on my bed. I sat up and wiped my eyes before telling her everything.

"I was having a great time with Wilbur and Schlatt had to fucking ruin it,"

"What did he do?"

"He told me he liked me. And we almost kissed. Our lips were literally inches away from each other but thank god his phone rang." I sighed, "I really like Wilbur but something about Schlatt is so exciting. I don't know, Rach. I know I can't have both how am I supposed to choose?" I put my head against my headboard and wiped my tears.

"B, I don't know how to help you. I mean obviously you'd choose Wilbur, right?" Obviously? Why obviously? "I mean, you've known him for way longer." She continued, "he sang you a fucking song on the beach for christ's sake."

"But if I choose one, what about the other? I wouldn't be able to just forget about my feelings for Schlatt. Our conversations and the things he says, how could I forget that?" I thought about it more. "But at the same time, Wil's so romantic and just so cute." I paused. "I shouldn't be pushing this onto you, I just don't know who else to talk to-"

"Brooklyn, this is what I'm here for. I might not give the best advice but at least you get to talk about it all." She reassured me.


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