Chapter 37

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I woke up to an empty bed. I wasn't concerned about anything from last night. I was more confused why Wil wasn't lying in bed with me. I sat up and scanned the room to see his suitcase was missing, along with his guitar. Where had he gone?

After a moment, I pulled myself out of bed and into the hallway. The house was quieter than usual, now that VidCon was over. I went downstairs to see a few of the guys in the living room, but no Wilbur. I stumbled into the kitchen to see if he was making tea. Instead of seeing Wil, I was met with another familiar face. "Schlatt,"

"Hey Brooklyn, you're awake?" He asked, his face bright.

"Barely," I joked. I watched him take a sip of coffee, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Oh, do you want some?"

"No, I'm okay. Where's Wil?"

I looked up at Schlatt's surprised face. "You didn't know?" He asked.

"Know what?" Was Wilbur okay? What didn't I know?

"He went home early this morning. I guess his flight got canceled, so he just took the first one back to England." Schlatt paused, "he didn't tell you?"

"No, was this a last-minute thing? He never told me when he was going home." Why didn't Wil tell me he was leaving so soon? It felt like he just got here.

"I'm really not sure. I was barely awake when he left." Schlatt looked down at my confused and upset face. "What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. He was acting so comforting. I liked this side of Schlatt.

"I'm just a little surprised," I tried my best to fight back the tears. Wil must have been mad at me. Why would he go back home without telling me? We didn't even get to have our date.

"Don't be worried about him. He'll be home soon, and you can text him then." Schlatt assured me.

"Yeah, you're right, and I'll have some coffee."

"Get it yourself! What do I look like to you?" We both laughed as Schlatt left the kitchen. His laugh was so loud and unique. I loved that about him.

After getting my coffee, I went back upstairs to grab my phone. I checked to see if Wilbur had said goodbye, but there was nothing. He had to have been mad at me. Why else would he act like this?

whats wrong?

you never said goodbye

He was probably still on the plane, so I decided to stop worrying about him for now. He might have just been in a rush to get to the airport. Now that Wil was gone, it was time for me to go back home. All the guys would be leaving soon, anyway. This last day was meant for Wilbur and I to spend our last moments together, but now our time was cut short. Why the first flight home?

"Brooklyn," I heard Schlatt say my name. I was grabbing my few things left around the room when he walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm gonna go home. Everyone's about to leave, and I don't want to stick around for too long."

"Oh," Schlatt looked around the empty bedroom. "Well, I was hoping we could hang out today. The guys are probably just going drinking before our flights tomorrow, and I'm really not in the mood to drink again." I laughed, thinking about Schlatt's drinking last night. "What do you think?"

I thought for a moment. Hanging out with Schlatt would clear the air and get my mind off Wilbur. "Why not?"

"Good, because I wasn't gonna let you say no," he said as I giggled.

"What are we even gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, but we'll figure it out." He said, smirking at me. Schlatt really was never the type to make plans. He was almost the opposite of Wil, it was refreshing. "Go home, get ready, I'll pick you up, and we can explore the city." I nodded before going downstairs to say goodbye to everyone.

"You're not gonna hang out with us?" Travis asked as I hugged them all.

"No, I should get back to my own apartment." I laughed.

"Well, it was great meeting you, Brooklyn," Ted said as I hugged him last.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me hang around you guys." I was gonna miss them. Even though a lot of VidCon was chaotic, I had a lot of fun being around a group like this. But for now, I had to get ready for Schlatt.

"You're back!" Rachel exclaimed as I walked into our apartment.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"I thought you were gonna stay there forever," she joked. "You're not upset this time, are you?"

"No," I laughed. "But I do have to get ready. Schlatt and I are hanging out."

"You and Schlatt? What about Wilbur?"

"What about him?" I asked.

"Did you choose Schlatt? What did I miss?"

"No, I didn't choose anyone. Schlatt and I are just hanging out as friends since Wil left-" I stopped myself. "I guess you did miss a lot. I'll catch you up later, okay?"

"Okay, go get ready." I jumped into the shower and quickly got dressed. I had no idea when Schlatt was getting here, or if he even knew the way here. Either way, I was excited to spend some time together, just us.

a/n: ok wow i am actually blown away by all the love on this fanfic we're at 44k reads now and its crazy
i love reading everyones comments and omg i just love u thank u for reading wow ok i really dont have words
pls remember to make ur bed today and drink water ily <3

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