Chapter 45

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Schlatt's POV

"She stood me up," I said to Minx, just minutes after Brooklyn's roommate asked for a rain check.

"What do you mean she stood you up?" I heard Minx shout from the other side of the phone. "She just didn't show up?"

"Well, I went to her apartment to pick her up."

"Like we had planned," Minx responded.

"Yes, like we planned. Instead of Brooklyn coming outside, all ready for our date, Rachel did. She came to the car window and just asked for a rain check. We set everything up for an amazing night, and she couldn't even face me. She had to send her roommate to cancel."

"Calm down," Minx told me. She could tell how upset I was getting. "You told her it was like a big thing, right? What could be more important?"

"Oh," I realized I never told her it was a fancy dinner. "I mean, I didn't exactly tell her where we were going. I just texted her a few minutes before, telling her I was picking her up."

"A few minutes before?" Minx yelled. "That date was not a 'text her a few minutes before' thing."

"I know, I know."

"You can't be mad at her if she didn't know how important it was," Minx told me.

"I mean, she still shouldn't cancel when I'm picking her up. Like, she couldn't have texted me to tell me she's busy?" Whether tonight was another late drive to the park, or a fancy restaurant, I should still be able to rely on her. "Canceling last minute is just a dick move," I said to Minx.

"I guess you're right," she replied.

"And the worst part is I still have a reservation for two people. I'm not going to go there all dressed up with no chick on my arm."

"A chick on your arm?" Minx laughed, "that was a dick move."

"Oh, shut up. You know I'm kidding. But what am I supposed to do now?"

I waited a while for Minx's response.

"I mean, I could always go with you." She told me.

"Ha! Yeah right,"

"You're a fucking dick!" She shouted. "Don't they charge you for not coming to your reservation?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm pretty sure they do."

"Fine," I sighed. "Get ready and send me your hotel address."

"Okay," she replied.

"And please put on some fucking makeup. I'll be there soon,"

"I am wearing makeup, what the hell? You can't even see me-"

I hung up before she said anything else. Now I had to go on my special date I planned for Brooklyn, with Minx.

After I picked up Minx, we drove to the restaurant in downtown LA. It looked super fancy from the outside and I could already tell I would be spending way too much here. Once we stepped inside, I was amazed. Everything was white and marble. All the guests were dressed in tuxedos and elegant dresses. For once, I was glad Minx made me wear a tux. I automatically felt like I didn't fit in. But the worst part was, Brooklyn would have loved it.

After the hostess seated us, Minx immediately started talking. "Holy shit, this place is insane!"

"Wait until you see the prices," I scoffed. I couldn't believe Brooklyn was missing all of this. And I didn't even know why.

We had just finished ordering our meals, and we were both snacking on the artichoke and spinach dip we had ordered as an appetizer. "I feel bad Brooklyn is missing all of this," Minx told me.

"Do you really?" I asked her.

"Barely," she laughed. "Even the dip is amazing!"

"I do wish she could've come." I told Minx.

"Yeah, we worked so hard to plan this date. You even bought a tux!"

"Yeah, and it was not cheap!" We both laughed.

"Maybe you can get a tweet out of it for all your simps,"

"You know what, maybe I can!"

Our meals eventually arrived. I ordered a 12 ounce steak, and Minx ordered the salmon. The food was so amazing. Although I wished Brooklyn was here, it was definitely worth coming.

"I don't know why I even keep trying with Brooklyn," I confessed. By now, Minx and I were a couple drinks in. "No matter how hard I try, she always goes back to Wilbur. Did you see that picture of them kissing? That was at the bar bathroom, right after Brooklyn rejected me. It's always gonna be him."

"So answer your own question," Minx chimed in. "Why do you keep trying with her?"

"Because I'm crazy about her. Everything she does, even the sound of her voice. I can't imagine not having her in my life. And she's smoking hot, so it's a win-win."

"Why do you always have to make everything about looks?" Minx asked, disgusted with me.

"Because your reaction is hilarious," I said, smiling. "But seriously, Brooklyn is so incredible. I don't want to lose her to Wilbur."

"So do you think she's worth it?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course she's worth it-"

"Is she worth the constant fighting for her love? Like you said, if she keeps going back to Wilbur, why are you still trying?"

I sat there in silence. I liked Brooklyn so much, but Minx might have been right about this. She wasn't showing me the same affection, so was she really worth it?

"Don't get that too far up your small brain," Minx laughed. "But do think about it. Maybe it will help you realize whether or not she's really worth it."

"Thanks Becca, I know I can always count on you."

We finished up at the restaurant, and I drove Minx back to her hotel. Once I got to my own hotel, I took a picture of myself in the tux. This was hopefully the only time I'd have to wear it, so I might as well get some twitter clout out of it.

@jschlatt: I look so stupid

I attached the photo and pressed tweet. About 30 minutes later, I saw that Brooklyn had responded.

@brookie99: i think you look dapper

I felt myself smile at her response. If only she knew about the night we could've had together.

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