Chapter 47

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"Oh, come on Wil," I said to myself. Rachel had already left the room to give me some privacy. It had been weeks since he came back out here, could he really still be that mad?

I pressed Wil's name again.

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I thought harder about how Wilbur might be feeling. It had been weeks and I didn't even reach out. I couldn't help but think this was all my fault. What if Wilbur never spoke to me again? All I needed to tell him is how much he meant to me. I needed to tell him, "I love you."

Third time's the charm. I pressed his name one last time.

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Damn it. What was I going to do? Maybe this was something that couldn't be solved over FaceTime. I needed to make a bigger effort. I needed to do something completely insane.

I spent the next few hours thinking of what I could do. There was one thought that kept popping into my head. I tried to shoo it away, it seemed crazy and I could think of a million ways it could go wrong. But still, it just made the most sense.

Finally, I decided to try it. I went into Rachel's room, hoping she wouldn't talk me out of it. But at the same time, hoping she would. The idea was just so out there. I needed someone else to reassure me that it would all work out.

I rambled to Rachel, telling her all my doubts about it until she finally said, "do it. No matter how crazy it seems, I think it's the only way to truly win him over."

"Okay, I guess I'll look at flights." I said, running to my computer. This last minute plan was making me so anxious, yet I was so excited at the same time. I didn't know what to expect from Wil. Would he absolutely hate me? I guess there is only one way to find out.

First, I got in touch with one of his friends. Well, actually Rachel did. She is like insanely good at internet stalking. His friend and I set up a plan and I booked the flight.

As I was packing, I could hardly breath. There was so much pressure leading up to this, I felt like I was going to collapse. The flight was tomorrow morning and I needed to pack as fast as possible. The entire time, I was one excuse away from backing out. As much as I wanted to, Wil just meant so much to me. I knew I had to do this.

After all, I've always wanted to visit Brighton.

I woke up the next morning with so much energy. I could hardly fall asleep that night because I was so pumped. Rachel drove me to the airport at 5:30 am. I got through security and everything, and then finally boarded at 6:40. I was so not looking forward to this 14 hour flight, but I was hoping it would be worth it. I was so excited to hug Wilbur. I just needed to see his face. And I needed to tell him how I felt.

Ding ding. The plane speakers woke me up. "We are about to land, please put up your tray tables and notice that the seatbelt light is on."

I slowly blinked open my eyes. I tried to look around at my surroundings, noticing I was asleep for a very long time. I slid the window open, the sunlight blinding my tired eyes. Looking out the small airplane window, I could see Gatwick Airport. I was finally in the UK. Which meant two things; I could check that off my bucket list, and I was less than an hour away from being in Brighton.

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