Chapter 15

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A couple weeks had passed and the countdown until VidCon kept getting shorter. I couldn't wait to finally see Wilbur. I decided to focus on Wil right now. At least I know how I feel about him.

"I can't wait to see you!" Wilbur said. We were on FaceTime again. We FaceTimed almost every night now. We always had something to talk about.

"Only four more days," I smiled. In four days I would finally get to see Wilbur. I would finally get to be wrapped in his arms. "What's the plan for when you get here?"

"Oh so now you want to have a plan?" He teased me.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"Some of the guys I'm staying with are picking me up from the airport and then we'll go to the airbnb VidCon gave us." He messed with his hair a little.

"Who are you staying with again?" I was kinda hoping he would stay with me but I guess I'll see him when we go to VidCon.

"Travis, Ted, Charlie, Cooper, and Schlatt."

"Fun," I told him. I really couldn't wait for him to come. I was worried about what people would think when they saw me and Wil together but I figured he had already told the guys. What about Schlatt, though? It didn't seem like Schlatt knew from the way he was acting or maybe he just didn't care. "I have to finish making these cookies but I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said to Wilbur.

"Save one for me!" He said.

I rolled my eyes, "good night Wil!"

"Night Brooklyn!"

After hanging up I sat there, smiling for a second. The oven beeping interrupted my thinking about Wil. I shot up and ran into the kitchen, taking the cookies out of the oven. Rachel came out of her room and sat down at the island. "Ooh, what are you making?" She asked.

"Did the smell lure you out of your room?" We both laughed. "Chocolate chip cookies," I told her as I sat the tray down.

"Yum," Rachel said as she reached for a cookie.

I swatted her hand away. "They have to cool first!" I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"What's up with you and baking lately?"

She wasn't wrong. I had been baking a lot of stuff recently, trying new recipes. "I don't know, it's just fun." I said as I sat down next to her. "I've been in a good mood recently-"

"I can tell," she laughed. "You've been smiling a lot. Is it because of Wilbur?" She nudged me.

"Maybe," I smiled. Wil does make me really happy. He can light up a room by just smiling. "He's just so amazing," I told her.

Rachel put her fingers in her hears, "la la la la la,"

"Cut it out!" I laughed. "He is though,"

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