Chapter 1

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Ugh, my alarm went off for the 3rd time and I finally decided to get up. I looked at the clock, 9:30 am. "Thank god I took today off," I said to myself as I rolled out of bed and went into the kitchen.

"Wow, you look like a mess," I heard Rachel's voice from the couch. "Finally awake?" She asked me.

I just sighed and nodded at her. Rachel is my roommate and one of my few real life friends. We met in highschool but she moved to California our senior year. When I decided to come to California for college it worked out great.

I popped a poptart in the toaster and went into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I realized Rachel was right. I did not look so hot but that's what 5 hours of sleep does to you.

I was up streaming way too late last night. I'm surprised so many people were awake to watch. When I say "so many" I mean around 170 viewers but thats a good amount for me. I'm not that big of a streamer, I have almost 2k followers on twitch. I only started streaming about 3 months ago so I'm actually really proud of myself.

I was looking in the mirror when I heard a knock at the door. "B, your poptarts ready," it was Rachel.

"Thanks, Rach," I said to her as I splashed some water in my face to wake myself up. I went back in the kitchen to grab my (not so healthy) breakfast and went back in my room. I sat at my computer and opened discord while I ate. There were no big notifications so I laid back in my bed.

The rest of the day kind of skipped by. It was nice to have a day off from work. I just hung out with Rachel and watched some movies. Around dinner time I was getting pretty bored so I decided to stream again.

"Hey everyone!" I said to the chat as I started my stream. "Today we are going to be playing a little bit of minecraft and just chilling." I used to always play minecraft on my streams and I decided going back to my roots would be fun.

I was streaming for around an hour or two when the chat started freaking out.

keyboard_monster: OMG WHAT

jkitskelsey28: THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE

"Chat, what's happening?" I asked. Did i miss diamonds or something? I couldn't see what got them so worked up.


I looked at chat and felt my jaw drop.

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