Chapter 23

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My alarm went off and as much as I wanted to stay in bed, I knew I couldn't. VidCon was finally happening. I heard Rachel run into my room once she could tell I wasn't getting up. "Brooklyn! You can't sleep through your alarm today. It's Vid-"

"I'm awake, don't worry." I said as I sat up in bed.

"What the hell, why aren't you getting ready? You won't have much time!" She yelled.

"I'm just nervous. What if they don't like me? What if I freeze up when meeting people? Everything could go wrong." My mind was racing like crazy.

"Oh my god, B," Rachel groaned. "Everything will go wrong if you guys are late. Get up, get dressed." She wasn't wrong. Being on time should be my top priority at the moment.

I jumped out of bed as she left my room. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth as I stared at my stressed-out self in the mirror. This has been the most eventful week of my life. Wil came to America, we kissed, and now I was going to see 1,000s of people. Breath, Brooklyn. It'll be okay.

After I finished straightening my hair I got a text from Wilbur.

we're ready to pick you up
just let us know when

I told him I was ready and I got all my stuff together. Rachel came into my room and wished me luck before I left.

"I'll need it," I laughed.

"It's just a few 1,000 people, no pressure," she smiled.

I got the text from Wilbur saying they were there and I went outside to see them all in the car. As I approached the car the back door opened and I saw Travis step out so I could climb into the back. We quickly said hello before I got into the car. Lucky me, I had to sit between Schlatt and Wilbur.

"Hey Brooklyn!" Cooper said to me from the driver's seat. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yep!" I said to him.

"Actually?" Wilbur said to me.

"No, I'm so fucking nervous." I said as the whole car laughed.

"Don't worry Brooklyn, you just gotta sit there and look pretty." Schlatt told me.

"Does that work for you?" Wilbur asked Schlatt, chuckling.

"Well obviously,"

"Sure Schlatt, sure," I laughed.

As we drove to the convention center I was freaking out. I had never done anything like this before and even though I was considered a "creator," people still knew me from everyone's streams. I put my head on Wil's shoulder and sighed.

"What's up?" He whispered to me, so no one else could hear.

"This is my first time ever doing something like this. I know people aren't technically there to see me but they might know who I am and that's terrifying. How am I supposed to act if someone recognizes me? What do I do?" I stopped myself from ranting on for too long and took a deep breath.

"It's okay Brooklyn," I felt Wilbur wrap his hand around mine. "You're not on your own. I'll be there and so will everyone else." I looked up at him and his face was so sweet and genuine. I don't think I've ever met someone as comforting as Wil. "And for the fans," he continued, "you'll love meeting them. And I know they'll love meeting you. They already ask me about you every time I go live." I giggled. "Seriously, you have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks Wil," I said as I put my head back on his shoulder.

After a little while longer, we arrived at the convention center. Everyone started getting out of the car and grabbing their backpacks. I saw Wil get out his guitar case. It reminded me of our beach date. As we walked up to the giant building I was blown away. The parking lot was full of people waiting to meet their favorite streamers and YouTubers. It was all so overwhelming.

"Don't worry," I heard Wil say to me quietly. I looked at him and he smiled. We all walked to the building and Wilbur got me a pass so I could be behind the scenes with the guys. They all got their schedules and VidCon gave us a hotel room that we could hang out in when we had nothing to do.

Our little group split up to go get snacks, meet people, or whatever. I stayed with Wilbur and we went up to the hotel room since he didn't have anything on his schedule until around later. "What are we doing today?" I asked as Wilbur handed me his schedule. "Meetup at 10:30, q&a at 1:00," I read off the list.

"So it looks like we have about an hour to kill," Wil said as he looked at his watch. "Why don't we just go explore?" He asked.

"Why not," I said as I fixed my hair in the mirror. I looked down at my phone to see a text from Rachel. She was just checking in and seeing how it was going. I was about to respond when I felt Wilbur's arms wrap around me. He held me in a hug and put his chin on my shoulder. "What are you doing?" I laughed as I turned my head to face him more.

"I'm just so happy to be here with you." I couldn't help but smile. That was probably the cutest thing he could've said.

I grabbed his hands with mine and moved to look at him. We smiled at each other. "Let's go,"

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