Chapter 29

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Schlatt's POV

"Just let me have a break and then we can talk." Those are famous last words if I've ever heard them. I knew I fucked up. I should've never told her how I felt.

"Okay," I was never one to give in so easily but what else was I supposed to say? I didn't want to mess up any more than I already did. I hadn't stopped replaying the conversation in my head ever since Brooklyn left.


I was waiting for her to change into the clothes Rebecca gave her. I couldn't believe I finally had time alone with Brooklyn and I wasn't gonna let anyone, especially Wilbur, get in the way again.

"So there's nothing going on between you two?" Brooklyn yelled from the bathroom. She was obviously talking about Minx and I couldn't think of why kept bringing it up.

"Oh god, why are you so convinced we like each other? I've told you a million times, we're just-"

"You say you're just friends but it's obvious she likes you. Do you not like her back? I mean she's gorgeous, nice, and funny. And you can just tell there's a spark-"

"Maybe I'm interested in someone else!" I felt myself shout. I immediately regretted raising my voice at her when she went quiet. After a while, she opened the door and was wearing the outfit Minx gave her. "That outfit suits you," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Schlatt, I'm sorry I keep bringing it up." I could tell she felt really bad and it made me feel worse.

"No, no, it's cool. I'm serious though, you look good." She really did. I had never seen her in a skirt before and she seemed really confident.

"Yeah, Minx's style is nice." She stood up and looked in the mirror. I decided to do the same. I came behind her and watched us in the mirror.

"You look so hot," I told her.

"I hate you," she giggled.

"I'm not kidding." I gave her a smile as we both stood there. Suddenly we heard the hotel room door start to open. She jumped back and I went over towards the door. "Hey guys," I said when I saw Travis and Charlie standing there.

"Hey, you guys wanna go get some food with us?" Travis asked as he sat on one of the beds.

I immediately said no to their offer. "Actually, we were about to go for a walk. I need some fresh air." I looked at Brooklyn to hint that I wanted to spend time with just her.

"Yeah," she added. Maybe she wanted alone time as well?

"Alright have fun," Charlie told us as I went to open the door. I turned around to see her following behind me and we then started walking down the hall.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"What?" I was confused about what she meant.

"Why didn't you wanna go eat with them?" She slightly giggled. Her awkward laughs are my favorite thing in the world.

"I wanna spend time with you." I flat-out told her. I watched her nod as we kept walking. We found a door to the outside and started to walk through the parking lot. I led her to a big grassy area I had seen earlier that morning. It had a pretty pond and looked really nice. We started walking around the pond, making small talk. It got quiet for a moment until Brooklyn said something again.

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